MALAYSIA'S hobson's choice though also comes with a singular option with two different set of realities.
BUT to understand these realities, we must must first understand that despite the glowing reports foreign funds have painted Malaysia's name to, we are a nation that might soon need a supplementary budget if things don't go our way.
JUST look at our national budget, which READ : relies on petroleum income to the tune of RM60.2 billion, based on forecast that crude oil prices will average between USD75 to USD81 per barrel
FOR the record, Brent crude currently trades at USD$72.6 per barrel, which points to two factors, namely, we are already running behind, and perhaps we have factored in going forward the Iran and Israel love story is going to get a bit more rowdier.
WHICH brings us back to the China flag waving incident in Ipoh. Are we going to be like Turkey's president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan who is always ready to VIEW : encourage his team to go just one more round.
OR are we going to take cue from what must definitely be two of the oldest civilizations in Asia, namely India and China, who have decided to let bygones be bygones, READ :so both sides can March to prosperity without spilling the other's blood.
IF we build it , it will definitely come. We as a nation and as a people, we have no choice other than HOBSON's choice to sue for peace and prosperity.