APPRENTLY, tourism minister Tiong King Sing has given Malaysians a truck load of cow dung when he claimed that READ : Thailand hasn't singled out China in its Covid entry requirements.
WELL what is this then, Thailand suddenly requires people who want to visit the country starting Jan 8 2023, which happens to be the date when China will start allowing mass exit of its nationals overseas to show prove that they have been vaccinated twice and have travel health insurance? READ : Thailand, makes U Turn to protect its citizens by imposing Covid restrictions.
Wahai presiden kami yang baru
Kamu harus dengar suara ini
Suara yang keluar dari dalam goa
Goa yang penuh lumut kebosanan
Walau hidup adalah permainan
Walau hidup adalah hiburan
Tetapi kami tak mau dipermainkan
Dan kami juga bukan hiburan
APPRENTLY, the hardened Thailand army is more concerned about its citizen rather than RM30 billion tourist revenue from China. Can we say the same about Anwar Ibrahim? I am afraid ....