Friday, 14 October 2016

Reach Energy, Now That Sam Allardyce Has Been Sacked

As the England Manager, Is Miss Tee Lin Say, the new "Mr 20 per cent". Well nobody has forgotten, Ti Lin Say's previous article, that an unknown KIND SOUL was going to buy 20 per cent of Reach Energy at 72 sen a piece.

That has YET to Happen, But The STAR, finds it fit to CARRY, the LATEST report by Tee Lin Say as News Worthy.

Go READ the Entire STAR report here :

The reporting by TEE Lin Say Sounds like hot  GOOSE alright .

TEE Lin Say Writes : In fact based on its net cash flow projections, it would appear quite likely that Reach would be able to pay dividends.

My Dear, if it is A FACT, then you don't have to report it. Go and ASK anyone in YOUR newsroom who has the class of CS TAN, and they will tell you SO.

Truth is, it is not a FACT. Did Anyone from REACH ENERgY put in BLACK and WHITE, that they will PAY DIVIDEND?

No meh' ..then how you come up with that statement? Your own RESEARCH?

How come your RESEARCH never DISCOVER, the venture Already hit PEAK oil.

You can FIND IT at THE MiE Holdings Ltd Website. Why you never state that MIE is selling the Khazakh venture to REACH Energy, not for a PROFIT but for more than US$70 million LOSS?

And why you only count : Currently, the prominent yield investors are PAG Holdings Ltd with 9.05%, Credit Suisse Group AG with a 7.61% stake and M Siva Kumar with a 2.18% stake. There are other small hedge funds and individuals who are also yield investors..

How much the OTHER SMALL Hedge FUND own? You DON'T know MEH? Or Close ONE eye?

Based on TEE Lin Say calculation, Yield investors ALREADY have 22.5 per cent of the NO votes. Maybe if PLUS the SMALL hedge fund , MIGHT have 25 per cent.

If that is the CASE, Reach Energy is a DEAD SPAC