Sunday, 23 May 2021

Apa PM BODOH? Emosi

is a track just released this week  by Benzooloo featuring Khodi 

``APA  BODOH PM,`` Muhyiddin  Yassin reportedly  said  yesterday.   You can read the report by clicking HERE

You, are many things Muhyiddin, but stupid is not one of them.  

Muhyiddin went on to tell the nation that the best option is for a total lock down, adding that during the highly successful first lockdown, the Government had forked out
RM340 billion.

So the best option is not the option, Muhyiddin is taking, as he said the first MCO nearly led to an economic collapse. You can read the report by clicking HERE

This is where it gets sticky..
Did the government  really come up with RM340 billion of it's own money?

IDEAS’ research found that only 23% or RM79 billion of the RM340 billion worth of stimulus packages passed, came directly from the government, and of that, only RM65 billion or 20% of the total stimulus package were direct expenditures.

Meanwhile, only RM1 billion were direct revenue losses to the government balance sheet as a result of payment exemptions. 
You can read the whole report by clicking  HERE

Basically, we are not going for the best option, because that will require a FINALCIAL AID PACKAGE  which actually involves our own money.

What can I say except..hit it Benzooloo for the PEOPLE

Ini semua duniawi
 Kau macam ikan kecil 
Terjun ke dalam tusnami 
Hanyut terus ke dalam laut 
Tiada tangan untuk kau paut