Saturday 27 May 2023

The missing sense in Malaysia Madani

THE missing sense in Malaysia Madani is commence sense, or at least it has been sinisterly disguised as that.

TAKE, for instance, two brothers who  collectively were worth more than RM100 million, being charged in court, for registering a car won in a lucky draw, under their name,  but the said car was used even by the father of the director who claimed that the two brothers did something criminal.

AS a result, the company lost more than RM600 million in market capitalisation. This is not a fictional story. This is what happened in Revenue Group Bhd.  READ : Revenue Brothers charged in court, for registering a Toyota Alphat Won in Lucky Draw Under Their Name.

A simple fine by Bursa Malaysia  or the Securities Commission could have solved this issue,  and saved about RM600 million in lost market capitalisation.

BUT are all this due to a lack of commen sense or is there something rotten, dark and sinister, behind the charges against the Revenue Brothers?

THE same desire to enforce the law to the tilt seems to have disappeared when suspicious money begun to appear in Revenue Group Bhd. READ : OVER paying by 347 per cent for Revenue Group Bhd shares.

OR how about this one. How the hell did we buy into the story that the GOD given rainbow colours belong to the alternative lifestyle community.

SINCE standard ONE, we have been thought about the Rainbow colours. I am sure I was not sleeping when my teacher explained to the standard one me about the Rainbow and its colours.

I can confirm to you that at no point, was I told directly or indirectly that those colours belong only to a certain segment of the community.

SCREW the gwailo who wants to change the goal post now, and don't spare the rod on those who conveniently use those colours because they fear a crack down on the corrupt.