Friday 28 July 2023

Minority shareholders of Green Packet Bhd must reject the appointment of ChengCo PLT as auditor.

WHY has Green Packet Bhd, an entity  closely linked to the now notoriously infamous Corporate Mafia are insisting on appointing ChengCo PLT as the company's external auditors.

  VIEW : Green Packet Bhd wants to appoint an audit firm with very little exposure overseas

I have nothing against ChengCo PLT. I am sure they are a fine audit firm but for a company like Greenpacket,  I believe they are not the best fit.

WHY is that so, one may ask ? Well because the devil is in the detail. Just look into VIEW ; Green Packets annual report

AS you can see, 96.28 per cent of GreenPackets' yearly revenue comes from abroad while ChengCo PLT  VIEW All 12 offices are in Malaysia.

HAVE  we forgotten about READ : How USD 300 million of Luckin Coffea was FABRICATED.

IN  Green Packets case,  Malaysia must be EXTRA VIGILANT considering so many of its directors or former directors have acted as thugs and CROSS SWORD  with the Royal Malaysian Police.!!!