Wednesday 9 August 2023

The Pirates Of Bursa Malaysia : There is nothing to fear but fear itself.

WHY would a Hokkien speaking ex CEO and chairman of a public listed company who claim he made RM200  million  from his own company's shares, suddenly disable all his social media contacts.

INDEED  why would a man, who would do a minimum one week once Facebook live now refuse to be part of the Facebook community .

EDDIE Ng Chee Kiong, for those who know him and those who slapped him, won't have difficulties in agreeing that the man despite his very limited English craves the limelight as much as he loves the paid and keep paying more for kisses at ROOM 888.

EDDIE Ng Chee Siong has gone off all his lnown social media, as fear has sapped into his courage, softened by  stimulants that no longer can control his nerves.

IF previously,  Eddie Ng Chee Siong moved with an absence of fear, these days it is fear of him.having to respond to the same set of question over and over again similar to his bitter putrajaya experience a few weeks back.

EDDIE'S mum who died before the Revenue Group Scandal, is no longer around to convince his friends to gie him another chance..

A broken men, with no real friends left, Eddie can hide all he wants but he is powerless to shape the findings of  a much more senior enforcement team.

PEACE is not the absence of war, but rather it is a state of mind shaped when the which  justice is blind but can be seen. 

JUST go to i3investor and see for yourself how strangers curse Eddie Ng Chee Siong and how they scream at Bursa Malaysia, demanding Francis Leong Seng Wui's Revenue Group be reigned in now, as the alternate  is  JJPTR.2.0