I am not sure if all Caucasian pale skinnedmale are from hell, but I am certain that the motorbike ridding, Murray Hunter, now residing in one of the seediest nooks in Thailand, is an advocate and an agent of the Devil himself.
MURRAY Hunter, who has on his own accord rebranded himself as a JOURNALIST, has an offer, a simply irresistible one for our Prime Minister.
CONSIDERING the offer to our Prime Minister by Murray.Hunter has been featured prominently in most of the English based influential blogs aligned to Perikatan National, is convincing enough for me, to deduct , that the offer from Murray Hunter is a PAID MESSAGE to our Prime Minister.
MURRAY Hunter's down right insulting and degraded offer, which only an individual lacking the bare basic moral compass is a SHAMELESS ONE.
BEING a GWEILO, of course, Murray Hunter did not put it as crudely as I did. He put it in a playable manner ; Anwar’s anti-corruption crusade may have to make compromises for the sake of a stable government. Otherwise, we could see the fall of his government.
AM I angry after reading Murray Hunter's offer? Am I angry , while I am writing this post? YES , I am. I am so angry, that if I come across Murray Hunter now in person, I will DEFINITELY SPIT ON his FACE.