Saturday 6 July 2024

Anwar Ibrahim, Oppositions don’t win elections, Governments lose them.

THE key take away from the crushing defeat in Sungai Bakap, Pulau Pinang yesterday is that voters were tone deaf to the Government narrative. 

THIS was very accurately  zeroed in by Chow Kon Yeow, the chief minister of Penang who put in very bluntly READ : Pakistan Harapan lost the election, because it's narrative was lost to it's audience

NOW, this must come as a shock to decades long Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) members, that a political entity led by Anwar Ibrahim, suddenly lost the ability to get its message across in a convincing manner.

AFTERALL, the core strength  of PKR has always been it's ability to communicate efficiently,  convince effectively,  and the mobilise the masses monstrously. 

MEN like Raja Petra, got the job done on a shoe string budget,  regulatory pressure and nearly zero airtime on TV, Radio and in news print.

NOW though, with all the communication assets, regulatory support and a budget that runs into  hundreds of millions in Ringgit terms, we are being told that the PKR led Unity Government,  knows pancakes in laying out a simple  narrative which the people can understand and support.

WHO should be held responsible on this matter. Here is a clue.  Who is the communications head of PKR? Who heads  the Government's entire communication apparatus?

MEET Fahmi Fadzil, the PKR communications chief and the Government's chief communicator, who has failed in his job.

INSTEAD of communicating  or even attempting to get the message across, Fahmi Fadzil have opted to use the entire Government machinery to curtail, and block others who know how to communicate normally. 

BY doing do, he has stupidly increased the popularity of those he had chosen  to curtail in the cyber world.

WITH increased popularity, comes  the mistaken public perception on the  trust worthiness of their narrative. 

ANWAR Ibrahim has a personal liking for Fahmi Fadzil, but as I have it before,  the single biggest threat to Anwar Ibrahim's  Prime Ministership, is Fahmi Fadzil. 

IN Malay, such a person like Fahmi Fadzil can only have one name to describe  him, and it is called BODOH SOMBONG.