Thursday, 2 February 2023

Yes, Prime Minister : The Empire strikes back

is a single from the Wild Animals, a Spanish quartret that specialises in post punk indie music, mainly sung in the English language.

PRIME minister Anwar Ibrahim, best go find his black and white TV, and watch the re runs of the popular British comedy YES Minister/ latter changed to YES Prime Minister.

WHAT will the Prime Minister learn from watching this TV series? He will learn nothing new, though he may relearn what he already knows.

Left no options, home evictions
These men in suits condemn our fate
Sad ones wear frowns, kicked my door down
And marched my ideals to the county jail
Do their privileges work against us?
Now we realize we have to react

THE civil service will accept some tinkering, but when there is a culling, the real people that runs the country, will react and strike back.

WHAT culling you may ask?  WELL it is the cullings of the director generals of various ministry. It started out with the removal of the director general of Finance Ministry, followed by the DG of the Education Ministry and now  READ : the appointment of a new DG for J Komm.

WILL it end there? NO, the DG for the Health Ministry is virtually on cold storage, with his deputy now in charge of issuing statements on behalf of the ministry, while at the MACC, Azam Baki, is fighting to stay relevant as the shadow of Hishamuddin Hashim, the senior director of investigation looms over him