Thursday 6 October 2016

REACH Out...

By the way, from the 111 postings, only 13 articles are about REACH ENERGY. To all those who have been critical of me. I take it as fair comment.
Instead of telling me you know somebody's mother is working at Reach Energy, Put forward your arguments, on why investors should even consider voting yes on the QA.
If Any of my data is wrong, put me to shame . If I had altered any of the statements, or data, expose me.
Why suddenly the silence...I have given you the freedom to insult me, and you guys have lapped it up.
Yet why the stone silence, when you have been given an open Invitation to articulate your views on what you think are the positives in Reach Energy.
Of course, it's much easier just to threaten to beat people up, to come to their homes, to slur them, then to put forward a different view.
This is my last word on this matter, and rest be assured I will be blogging on Reach Energy, and many more companies.
I will have my BIASNESS ..some I like , some I do NOT like. But I will NOT falsify DATA to either get companies or to support companies.
Meanwhile, please send in more comments. Thank You.