Sunday, 19 April 2020
PM8. Bicara Kata
Is a single from the Nasyid group Inteam. The single was recorded sometime in 2015. The lyrics to the song goes something like this :
Terlajak perahu masih boleh diundur lagi
Terlajak kata buruk padahnya
Terlajak perahu masih boleh diundur lagi
Terlajak kata hilang percaya
Hilang percaya...
Hilang percaya is the key word here. The medical front liners, atleast some of them are begining to feel so and do so. Apparently there are huge amounts of paper work to be filled in for them to claim the RM600 special allownces.
The grouces are many, coming from social media networks to a dissapointed general populace who are rooting for them