Monday, 26 July 2021

Nexia SSY. Welcome to the Boom Town

by David + David,  the American rock duo,  who only released a single album Boomtown  in1987, before going on to be music producers in the own right.

NST reports NEXIA SSY, appointed as Serba Dinamik's external auditor

Looking at a wide range chat sites, some have suggested that Serba Dinamik should have  appointed an auditor in the same standing as KPMG.

I am sure, the controlling stakeholders of Serba Dinamik would love to do so in order to please the market  but where can you find an audit firm  like KPMG, who in the month of July only has the distinction for :   

1. Being sued for US$5.6 billion by the Government of Malaysia

4.Quitting as auditor after its partiality questioned

Back to Nexia SSY, the mid size audit firm, which is also listed as one of the top ten audit firm's in the world. If anyone thinks that Nexia SSY is your friendly pay my fee and I will sign off the accounts type of auditor , then they are in for a shock of their lives.

There are reason why,  the Singapore Government saw it fit to invite Nexia to sit on a high level government  board tasked to help the city state to become Asia's accounting hub. Read : NEXIA is only non big four in Singapore's strategic board

Nexia's UK parent Nexia International has also shown that it will not take kindly to partners who make questionable decisions, and it had done what none of the Big Four have done in recent memory. READ ; Nexia International disownes Australian unit

With that, Nexia SSY 

I say welcome,
welcome to the boomtown
Pick a habit
We got plenty to go around
Welcome, welcome to the boomtown
All that money makes such a succulent sound