THE OMEN is definitely bad if even before you enter the ARENA, you are told that you cannot use the normal route.
ONE can of course go shopping to relieve stress, and one the big shopping places at that time was a place called COWBOY. There aren't any cowboys though.
Wild boys
Wild boys
Wild boys
Wild boys
Wild boys
Wild boys
Wild boys
Wild, wild, boys,
THERE aren't any real cowboys in Kuantan Port either, but there are some real wild boys. How wild are they?
LET'S put it this way , You get paid on time a task completed. Payment is made on time. You are happy, and all of a sudden, your paymaster says that is not what they wanted.
WHY make payment in the first place then? As you can see they are that wild but this is merely an appetizer .
what I tell you , will leave you in disbelieve but before that NEXT : The 35 per cent money in the bag : Kill BILL, (Bill, here meaning Inai Kiara)