Is a single from Sofea,. Malaysia's version of Motley Crew and Kiss. The single is taken from the Battle of the Bands album,. which was released. In 1986.
INAI kiara as well as Malaysian cable laying shipowners should pray hard that Anthony Loke does not make a comeback as Transport Minister upon conclusion of the next general election.
ANTHONY Loke,.lust for power is understandable because it comes with the territory when you are in national politics . READ : Anthony Loke is not happy that he was a minister for only 22:months.
WHAT is NOT ACCEPTABLE,. Is Anthony Loke has painted a picture of himself as a politician lacks the basic principles,. a leader should have.
ASSUMING ,. Anthony Loke 's wish comes true. READ : Anthony Loke willing to work with UMNO after next GE to form a government.
DOES this mean that Anthony Loke is willing to do a flip flop and support the National Cabotage Policy? Does,. this also mean,.that Anthony Loke who for months had falsely accused Inai Kiara,. will now suddenly be their number one champion?
READ : Anthony Loke asks why cabotage exemption removed for foreign vessels repairing undersea cables
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