THE Bangkok Post has a chilling opinion piece on a fictitious country in ASEAN called N and the economic trouble it has gotten itself into. READ : An Asean country might be near a crisis.
LET'S see, the article states that the Fictitious Country N , uses the currency with the initial D and has the highest GDP growth rate for 2022, according to the World Bank and it's stock market has been taking a beating. READ : Meet Vietnam
Ask yourself this questionDo you want to be rich?
I've got the brainsYou've got the looksLet's make lots of moneyYou've got the brawnI've got the brainsLet's make lots of money
HOW will this effect Malaysia? Will a crisis in Vietnam,. trigger yet another ASEAN economic crisis or will it lead to better opportunities for Malaysia? We may never know because our MITI minister AZMIN ALI is still in a hot debate on who was/is or have been the GOAT (GREATEST OF ALL TIME) Menteri Besar of Selangor.