Tuesday 15 November 2022

The New Khairy Chronicles : Satu BALACI dan satu Barua

is the eleventh track on pop group Exists fourth studio album Jangan Gentar which was released  25 years ago.

Sia sia saja kau belajar
Kalau tak tahu apa itu
Biadap dan kurang ajar
Kau macam anjing ..

FOR someone who wants to cleanse UMNO, and with that Malaysia too, I find it very odd that Khairy Jamaluddin has not voiced out publicly for the return of Jho Low from China?  READ : Jho Low controls US$333mil company in China.

OR maybe, Khairy Jamaluddin can dig up precisely and expose to the world how the losses incurred in the Monsoon Cup led to the formation of a company that was eventually renamed 1MDB. 

ONCE, Khairy Jamaluddin has done with that explaination, he can then start forcefully debunk Mr Lim Kit Siang's blog posting  linking Khairy Jamaluddin and his family not to Maya Karin, the maiden of the monsoon Cup but to the monsoon cup it's self. READ The Last Monsoon Cup.

PERHAPS, once Khairy Jamaluddin has done all that, Malaysians may come to the conclusion that yes Najib Razak is guilty , but in this game of poker, he didn't choose the cards but the cards were very carefully chosen for him.