PERHAPS, in similar vein this was how, the Pharoah the one with the absolute IMPUNITY, the one known as the greatest of Pharoah, the one named Ramesses II may have felt knowing that neither his plea for mercy nor his request for redemption was acceptable.
THIS, epic historical narrative, has roots from the second book of the Bible, the book commonly referred to as the Book Of Exodus, a fascinating chronology on how Yahweh, put the greatest Egyptian Pharoah in the planet out of business with a single play of the hand.
SO how does all this relate back to our own men wirh IMPUNITY , the corporate mafia named Victory Chin Boon Long, who controls Revenue Group Bhd,via Francis Leong Seng Wui
SINCE it is a Sunday, go read Exodus and find out what happened when Moses walked away, but if you are too lazy to do so, then... Let Monday appear on the scene first, and what shall follow are detail specifics ...