Wednesday 21 February 2024

Malaysia, Marked for Mayhem

BUTOH PAK HANG, is Kedah slang for Your Father's Penis, as well as my observation and  characterisation of Muhamad Akmal Salleh disgraceful READ Facebook post ; kerana pemimpin ITU tanggung jawabnya kepada rakyat.

AT 36, Muhamad Akmal Salleh, is still referred to as a BUDAK, of Hishamuddin Hussein by the power makers and brokers within UMNO.

HIS facebook post is a disgrace,  when read with context, which his previous post READ : Najib Turun, Ringgit Naik, Rindu Betul Slogan ni.

OBVIOUSLY,   Muhamad Akmal Salleh, is taking  d shots at Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim, although if you speak to market proven and market driven currency traders, they will tell you the Ringgit, the main culprits are the American economy , people like Muhamad Akmal Salleh who are demanding Najib Razak be freed, and men Hishamuddin Hussein, who didnt do a damn thing about  Amal Palestine.

MUHAMAD Akmal Salleh can be dealt with very easily and swiftly,  but the white elephant in the room is not the UMNO Youth head, it actually lays with the Government communication/PR machinery.

VERY little effort had been taken by the Government PR Machinery to shame and degrade BUDAK's like Muhamad Akmal Salleh.

THE colossal LOSER,  Fahmi Fadzil has done very little to remind READ : Malaysians that we will be paying until 2037 to settle 1MDB.

FAHMI Fadzil, due to his sheer INCOMPETENCE  is now   exposing Anwar Ibrahim to negative public perception ,in a similar manner that had left Zahid Hamidi exposed.

DURING the public "lynching" of Zahid Hamidi, after READ ; after the high court granted Zahid Hamidi a discharge, almost nothing of substance was put forward  by Fahmi Fadzil's team, to educate the public that others had received sweeter deals than the DPM.

LOOK no further than Riza Aziz, better known as a producer of The Wolf of Wall Street. READ ; Riza Aziz only needs to repay USD 108 million from the USD248 million, he allegedly laundered.

FAHMI Fadzil's inability to come up with a decent plan to explain to the masses the blowout of the Ringgit, has actually now resulted in a mini economic crisis.

ZERO mention any where that at the USD/RM current level of RM4.79 , give or take is what the Ringgit had also traded during the reign of Muhyiddin Yassin.