Monday 25 March 2024

Fahmi Fadzil, Gives Anwar Ibrahim A Bad Name

FAHMI Fadzil gives Anwar Ibrahim a bad name, by his actions and words, is ths shockingly  horror story, that the Prime Miniser has to live with.


 AS the communication man, Fahmi Fadzil, seems to have picked up, right where his acting career ended ; A COLOSAL FAILUREW

LAST year,in Jakarta, the Prime Minister had impressed the world with his wisdom on leadership. READ :Take heed of the common men.

HOW does Fahmi Fadzil value adds on this? Well the failed rotten tomato level actor, totally dismisses the relevance of the common men. READ: Public pressure played no role in the government’s decision not to take over hosting the 2026 Commonwealth Games from Australia, Communications Minister Fahmi Fadzil said.

PERHAPS,  Fahmi Fadzil who has been described and named  as READ :Malaysia's Menteri Kartun, should explain the Madani concept of Empowering the people.

THE down syndrome in Fahmi Fadzil's communication techniques, had previously been exposed by Rafizi Ramli's child hood friend,VIEW : stated that the Madani Government's achilles heel is xommunication Khairy Jamaluddin. VIEW : Fahmi Fadzil is not competent ie Half Past Six.

AT that point, the kinder souls opted to give Fahmi Fadzil READ ; the benefit of the doubt from his own measurement that he is not a failure.

HOW many though, will keep buying Fahmi Fadzil's self glorified measurement of him self as a success, now that the Home Minister Saifuddin Nasution, without mentioning any names VIEW ;that the achilles heel of the Madani Government is communication