Saturday 21 October 2023

Anwar Ibrahim should get his priority right

SHOULD Malaysian GLC and the  private sector come together and donate READ : RM100 million to the Palestinian cause ?

I am afraid the answer is NO.  Let me remind Anwar Ibrahim  there is nothing proud in telling struggling Malaysians READ : that the fund to help Palestinians we do not know now stands at RM81 million.

RATHER the Prime Minister should use his good office to raise a sum of RM300 million a year every year from the public, GLC, the Private sector and even the Palestinian community in Malaysia.

AND what will we do with this RM300 million yearly? Well, I I am not mistaken, RM300 million a year is what READ : Mazlee Malek said it will take to feed every Muslim, non Muslim, Malay, Chinese, Indian and lain lain children breakfast everyday in our schools

ACCORDING to the former education minister, such a programme will allow families to save RM2.3 billion in terms of cumulated income. 

TIMES are bad, we should provide help for every single Malaysian, before we even lift a finger to help a foreigner.  

YOU may not like what I say, but I am a nationalist first and foremost, and I make no apologies for that.  We should put an end to the mistakes that we keep doing, and which our forefathers have warned us ; anak kera di hutan disusui, anak sendiri di rumah kebuluran