Tuesday 3 October 2023

WiseGuy inside The Corporate Mafia : The boys from Bangla !

THE Corporate Mafia's lust for Revenue Group Bhd it seems did not start with the great deficiency in the characteristics of one its founder directors,  who had a gambling and fast women problems. 

RATHER it was a planned entry into Revenue Group for their payment gateway capabilities, which the Corporate Mafia intended to use to control  the READ : yearly remittance from bangladeshis in Malaysia to their motherland that comes up between RM4.72 billion and RM9.44 billion a year.

AT RM 9.44 billion a year, the average a remittance company could earn would be about 6 per cent per transaction, meaning a Corporate Mafia controlled Revenue Group could be earning a maximum of RM566 million  a year from the Bangladeshi' remittance business itself.

SO why on earth, did the Corporate Mafia believe that they could pull off this caper without losing their own underwear in the first place?

THE answer to that is EDUCATION  or to be precise a lack of good education, that would have highlighted that the plan being hitched was doom to fail.

IT all started, some time in 2017, when the Bestinet owner's lack of education begin to show and his troubles with the law became more and more evident  READ : The 50 year old, Aminul Islam Abdul Nor charged in court for slapping a defenceless 17 year old minor at Sunway Putra Hotel.

AMINUL Islam Abdul Norwho definitely had been making money just didn't have the class nor pedigree to justify his richness and it stuck out like a sore thumb, when the so called multi millionaire, VIEW : was caught fighting in the streets with the local bumi community that Ulu Kelang was his kampung

THEN of course, came the strange 2022 denial by Bestinet itself READ : denying that Aminul Islam Abdul Nor was arrested by the MACC.

AT every stage of this reckleness and lack of finesse, which one could only pin point to a lack of good  education and proper grooming, the Corporate Mafia was there to bail out Aminul Islam Abdul Nor from a hard place and a rock.

THE problem was those helming the Corporate Mafia, was taking advice from people like Francis Leong Seng Wui, a tablet and car park operator (the Federal Hotel car park operations), who as it turns out, also had a dodgy education background.

SO instead, of approaching  the then owners of Revenue Group, with a legitimate business deal, a decision was made to do a hostile takeover of Revenue Group on the cheap by fixing up the then owners of Revenue Group without knowing that the then owners, were not only the owners but were also the software programmers who built the entire cyber eco system from scratch.

ONLY when the Corporate Mafia got into Revenue Group, did Victor Chin Boon Long realise that almost every piece of software in the company was worth zero ringgit without the previous owners to power it up.

THE end result, as we are witnessing now is the Corporate Mafia has had cede control of Green Packet Bhd  to the boys from Bangla and a strange pale looking Mr Chin demanding that Revenue Group must cut its COST.