Monday 8 January 2024

Tikus tikus Kantor Di Kementerian Keterjaminan Makanan ; Gaji Besar Tapi Kerja Sambil Lewa

EVER  wonder why, if the agriculture ministry's vetting process is up to date, and perhaps maybe even near perfect, almost every year there are tonnes of late delivery issues concerning  o paddy seeds and Fertilizers by Government approved vendors to paddy farmers.

THE fines imposed on late delivery of fertilizers alone, according to the latest Auditor's Report :: has surged to more than RM300 million, of which not even ONE sen of those fines have been collected by the ministry over the past four years.

WHICH makes the latest statement by Azman Mahmood, the director-general of the Ministry's Padi and Rice Regulatory Division statement very puzzling. READ :Tidak perlu audit 39,000 lesen padi, beras kerana kementerian telah melakukan saringan dan mengenakan syarat ketat.

WHAT  Azman Mahmood is telling us now, is the complete opposite of what the minister in charge of Agriculture, who also happens to be Azman Mahmood's boss told us YESTERDAY .  READ :Mat Sabu Memberi Jaminan,KPKM bakal audit semua pemegang lesen beras, padi.

WHY this drama? And is this drama of contradicting the minister by a civil servant being played at this time,  a time when there are so many uncertainties, READ ;With even The South China Morning Post stating A political coup is not a far-fetched possibility in Malaysia.