Sunday 7 July 2024

Pakistan Harapan, it's NOT the economy STUPID.

RISHI Sunak,  plucked Great Britain out of a recession in record time, and cut inflation down to it's knees, yet his party just lost the general election.

READ : Under Sunak, UK enjoys fastest growth in two years, and came out of recession in record time

ACROSS,  the Atlantic Ocean,  Joe Biden's next home looks most likely to be an old folks  home, rather then the White House,  READ : despite adding 15 million new jobs in his first term as President and cutting joblessness to it's lowest level in 50 years.

HASSAN Karim, the member of Parliament from the state of Johor, might have had the best interest of Anwar Ibrahim,  READ: when he advised the Prime Minister to focus on the economy to win the people's support 

BUT I am afraid. Hassan Karim is off the  mark on this one by a mile and a half.

SO what should the Prime Minister  do ? Well, for starters, he should start playing politics, and firmly by hook or crook not allow  his government to be bullied by novices 

NOTICE , how vocal UMNO Yourh head  READ: Muhamad Akmal Saleh has been on BlackRock taking a stake in Malaysia Airports, yet he has been as silent as a church mouse, when Najib Razak's son, Nazifuddin Najib, proudly declared that READ : that sketchers will be Malaysia's official shoe for the PARIS Olympics.

HEY, isn't  the Skechers owner a so call Zionist and  the brand itself is in the BDS Malaysia boycott list?

THE bottom line here is both Nazifuddin and Akmal Saleh have been bullying the Prime Minister, by using the Palestinian cause as a smoke screen.?

ITs time the Prime Minister returns the favour in kind, and I strongly suggest he does it himself instead of relying of Fahmi Fadzil, who will definitely  F IT UP.

ONCE,  the Prime Minister is done with that, the hd should reshuffle the cabinet, by dropping Mohamad Hassan, as Foreign  Minister, in order to strengthen  Zahid Hamidi's grip in UMNO.

ANWAR Ibrahim, should pull no stops in bringing back  Hishamuddin Hussein to rejoin the cabinet as Foreign Minister .

HE should then proceed to immediately  talk to Zahid Hamidi and Rafizi Ramli to knock some sense into their brains.

TO Zahid Hamidi,  the Prime Minister should urge the UMNO president to knock some common sense into UMNO on how to regain the trust of the B40 Malays.

AS such,  UMNO is merely going go IRRITATE  the B40 Malays a lot more if at the party convention, READ ; the main aim is to push for a resolution to be passed seeking justice for Najib Razak.

BEING a bit more Malay centric and actually doing something to lift B40 Malays from the  cycle of poverty, is a no brainer, to regain their attention, and overtime perhaps even their trust.

TO, Razifi Ramli, the message should be clear, stop giving interviews, and start delivering on the promise of lifting  Aprroved Permit restrictions on the automotive sector,  the telephony sector as well on imported rice.

LAST , yet not least  the core lesson the Prime Minister must learn fast on why Rishi Sunak fell and why Joe Biden looks like he is heading to an old folks home  is that if you act like a loser, aren't decisive in your actions, those who don't  like you , will most likely be pissing on your head.

Saturday 6 July 2024

Anwar Ibrahim, Oppositions don’t win elections, Governments lose them.

THE key take away from the crushing defeat in Sungai Bakap, Pulau Pinang yesterday is that voters were tone deaf to the Government narrative. 

THIS was very accurately  zeroed in by Chow Kon Yeow, the chief minister of Penang who put in very bluntly READ : Pakistan Harapan lost the election, because it's narrative was lost to it's audience

NOW, this must come as a shock to decades long Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) members, that a political entity led by Anwar Ibrahim, suddenly lost the ability to get its message across in a convincing manner.

AFTERALL, the core strength  of PKR has always been it's ability to communicate efficiently,  convince effectively,  and the mobilise the masses monstrously. 

MEN like Raja Petra, got the job done on a shoe string budget,  regulatory pressure and nearly zero airtime on TV, Radio and in news print.

NOW though, with all the communication assets, regulatory support and a budget that runs into  hundreds of millions in Ringgit terms, we are being told that the PKR led Unity Government,  knows pancakes in laying out a simple  narrative which the people can understand and support.

WHO should be held responsible on this matter. Here is a clue.  Who is the communications head of PKR? Who heads  the Government's entire communication apparatus?

MEET Fahmi Fadzil, the PKR communications chief and the Government's chief communicator, who has failed in his job.

INSTEAD of communicating  or even attempting to get the message across, Fahmi Fadzil have opted to use the entire Government machinery to curtail, and block others who know how to communicate normally. 

BY doing do, he has stupidly increased the popularity of those he had chosen  to curtail in the cyber world.

WITH increased popularity, comes  the mistaken public perception on the  trust worthiness of their narrative. 

ANWAR Ibrahim has a personal liking for Fahmi Fadzil, but as I have it before,  the single biggest threat to Anwar Ibrahim's  Prime Ministership, is Fahmi Fadzil. 

IN Malay, such a person like Fahmi Fadzil can only have one name to describe  him, and it is called BODOH SOMBONG.

Friday 5 July 2024

State of the Nation : Palestine

WELCOME  to the boomtown, welcome to this part of the world in swanky Kuala Lumpur,  boomed right into your bedroom throughout the Nation thanks to Apps such as Tik Tok, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram and so on.

PALESTINE has become the buzz word to literally print money in Malaysia, with some fine acting, and  with the odd ball non muslim, as the supporting casts.

THE faces might be fresh, but the main handlers of this new bunch of  donation for Palestine social media *ARTIST*, are as old as they come.

SOME such as Amal Palestine, who got exposed READ ;by the Anwar Ibrahim administration, on what they were really doing with the donation money, have been more than happy to sit on their backsides and the free flow, keep flowing.

BUT, even there guys have political masters, who have a political agenda, namely to pile pressure on Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim, in the hopes the Government will collapse. 

MEET,  Dr Mahathir's new breed of dogs of war.  

AND don't forget to meetNaemah Mohd Rafiqul Islam (@naemah.martyr), who   VIEW : upon meeting Tun Mahathir some two weeks ago, have decided to attack Anwar Ibrahim, politically by literally hinting that the Prime Minister is a sell out.

ANWAR Ibrahim can nip these new form of attack, by urging  the Tax man to check if the new dogs of war,  have beeb using money donated by the public, to fund their own household expenses, without actually having a real job.

Thursday 4 July 2024

WiseGuy inside The Corporate Mafia : Bank Negara Malaysia.

BEFORE the following question is asked in Parliament, which shall be hugely embarrassing to Malaysia's two Finance Ministers, Bank Negara Malaysia best get its act together. 

GETTING it's act together means, the Central Bank must publicly move against Kamari Zamari Juhari, Leong Seng Wui  and Lim Khong Soon.

HUGELY embarrassing because what on earth does Bank Negara Malaysia wants Anwar Ibrahim to answer in Parliament?

 WHEN  asked why did the Central Bank of Australia not only rejected Quantum Metal's payment to Besra Gold but also rejected the payment done via the company's Australian based legal firm.

WHY  did the central bank of Australia  INSIST that the money be RETURNED to Malaysia. 

HOW come Bank Negara Malaysia, hasn't clamped down the activities of Leong Seng Wui, Kamari Zamari Juhari and Lim Khong Soon. 

IF Bank Negara needs proof, or even why the Australians are suspecting that SCAM, PROSTITUTION and DRUG induced money from Malaysia have beeb attempting to gain RESPECTABILITY in the land Down Under.

ATTENTION PM DEPARTMENT  if you need to SCREW Bank Negara latter on, Please Click on this LINK

Wednesday 3 July 2024

WiseGuy inside The Corporate Mafia : The trial of Malaysia.

FOR years now, Bank Negara, had bent backwards, and sideways to see no evil when it comes to it's former lead investigator on fraud, Kamari Zamari Juhari and his crew.

HIS crew are the men who obtain his services, one suspects for the privileges it comes attached with.

BANK Negara Malaysia, pretended that this year, was the first time he had raised some concern about the activities of Quantum Metal.

2024, was not the maiden potential red flag raised on Quantum Metal. Some two years ago, the central bank had also issued an alert, with no follow up.

AROUND, this time, Indonesia's financial Service Authority's Special Task Force known as READ : Satgas Waspada Investasi, had on June 2022, banned Quantum Metal as an illegal investment scheme open to fraud.

BUT Bank Negara Malaysia's old boys club did nothing.

 Likewise, RM62 million that went into Revenue Group via transactions that smells like money laundering as it defies economic sense, also saw no action from Bank Negara.

WELL, I got news for you Bank Negara Malaysia, Quantum Metal's latest attempt to open an Australian Bank Account has failed.

Likewise, Quantum Metal's Melbourne  based lawyers,  attempt to use their legal office to pay AUD300 million to Besra Gold , was stopped, probed, and with the monies send back to Malaysia. 

BESRA Gold in Australia has been suspended for weeks,  likewise, Qmei shares in the USA  is also suspended as Quantum Metal money are not being allowed into the country.

WHILE regulators in those countries, are probing specifics, on trial actually is Malaysia.

THE side show is definitely  Bank Negara Malaysia, while the main show is the PM cum Finance Minister.

IF the old boys club at Bank Negara Malaysia think, they will be allowed to bring the Prime Minister into dispute ; READ the following. THERE WILL be HELL TO PAY FOR.

Tuesday 2 July 2024

WiseGuy inside The Corporate Mafia : The Brinks Singapore.

BANK Negara Malaysia,  when are you going to ask your counterpart across the cause way, for some assistance?

OUR central bank should ask the The Monetary Authority of Singapore (“MAS”) if the 31 tonnes of gold, Quantum Metal allegedly owns is stored in the Brinks, Singapore.

ATLEAST, that was what Quantum Metal VIEW : had on numerous occasions stated in its marketing kit.

IF you are wondering why the sudden urgency,? Well it has a lot to do with QMEI  which is listed in USA being suspended since late June, while, Besra Gold which was supposed to resume trading today, has again been suspended.

AS it is, Bank Negara Malaysia, will have to make a decision soon, if indeed over the past 24 months, Quantum Metal had defrauded it's members.

IF the answer is YES, then the Revenue Group Chairman Kamari Zamari Juhari, who was a key director and one time chairman of Quantum Metal, must be forced to quit, before another scandal errupts.