Tuesday 2 July 2024

WiseGuy inside The Corporate Mafia : The Brinks Singapore.

BANK Negara Malaysia,  when are you going to ask your counterpart across the cause way, for some assistance?

OUR central bank should ask the The Monetary Authority of Singapore (“MAS”) if the 31 tonnes of gold, Quantum Metal allegedly owns is stored in the Brinks, Singapore.

ATLEAST, that was what Quantum Metal VIEW : had on numerous occasions stated in its marketing kit.

IF you are wondering why the sudden urgency,? Well it has a lot to do with QMEI  which is listed in USA being suspended since late June, while, Besra Gold which was supposed to resume trading today, has again been suspended.

AS it is, Bank Negara Malaysia, will have to make a decision soon, if indeed over the past 24 months, Quantum Metal had defrauded it's members.

IF the answer is YES, then the Revenue Group Chairman Kamari Zamari Juhari, who was a key director and one time chairman of Quantum Metal, must be forced to quit, before another scandal errupts.