Wednesday 3 July 2024

WiseGuy inside The Corporate Mafia : The trial of Malaysia.

FOR years now, Bank Negara, had bent backwards, and sideways to see no evil when it comes to it's former lead investigator on fraud, Kamari Zamari Juhari and his crew.

HIS crew are the men who obtain his services, one suspects for the privileges it comes attached with.

BANK Negara Malaysia, pretended that this year, was the first time he had raised some concern about the activities of Quantum Metal.

2024, was not the maiden potential red flag raised on Quantum Metal. Some two years ago, the central bank had also issued an alert, with no follow up.

AROUND, this time, Indonesia's financial Service Authority's Special Task Force known as READ : Satgas Waspada Investasi, had on June 2022, banned Quantum Metal as an illegal investment scheme open to fraud.

BUT Bank Negara Malaysia's old boys club did nothing.

 Likewise, RM62 million that went into Revenue Group via transactions that smells like money laundering as it defies economic sense, also saw no action from Bank Negara.

WELL, I got news for you Bank Negara Malaysia, Quantum Metal's latest attempt to open an Australian Bank Account has failed.

Likewise, Quantum Metal's Melbourne  based lawyers,  attempt to use their legal office to pay AUD300 million to Besra Gold , was stopped, probed, and with the monies send back to Malaysia. 

BESRA Gold in Australia has been suspended for weeks,  likewise, Qmei shares in the USA  is also suspended as Quantum Metal money are not being allowed into the country.

WHILE regulators in those countries, are probing specifics, on trial actually is Malaysia.

THE side show is definitely  Bank Negara Malaysia, while the main show is the PM cum Finance Minister.

IF the old boys club at Bank Negara Malaysia think, they will be allowed to bring the Prime Minister into dispute ; READ the following. THERE WILL be HELL TO PAY FOR.