Sunday, 5 January 2025

RICE War, Officially Starts Today.

TAKE it with a large dose of salt  that this is merely a coincidence, which keeps happening each time the Government wants to clip BERNAS wings.

ANWAR Ibrahim was supposed to make an extremely important announcement on BERNAS  in December,  but it never took place. READ : Anwar Ibrahim poised to make important announcement on Mycc findings on Bernas.

INSTEAD,  the Prime Minister since then has been facing a man made crisis from a  so called Malay unity platform using Najib Razak's name as the poster child.

INSTEAD of the Government  reading the riot act to BERNAS, we are now left with a crazy true story.

A story  where elected representatives and Government  agencies. must have BERNAS approval  to bring in rice, even if it is cheaper than the current market price. READ :Has BERNAS been lying to Malaysia?

PS , if you are thinking, calling out BERNAS, Malay Unity and a push to topple the Prime Minister sounds familiar.  Well it happened when the first PH Government fell apart.