ON February 29 2024, I pointed out that Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim's single biggest political liability, is READ : Fahmi Fadzil.
WITH the insightful and often proven true Edisi Siasat making damning 'on line gaming corruption claims` on the increasingly un popular Fahmi Fadzil, comes at the worst possible time for the Prime Minister on two counts.
THE allegations by Edisi Siasat is bound to haunt Fahmi Fadzil, as [ we the people will definitely find it absurd that we can find these sites easily but Fahmi Fadzil and his minnions are clueless about them .
ANWAR Ibrahim will be taking a huge risk if he allows Fahmi Fadzil who is disliked by a large chunk of the population,to narrate the Madani Government's side of the story with ⁶regards to Najib Razak's royal addendum.
AS it is, Najib Razak too looks like he has been flogging a dead horse too by pursuing the royal addendum issue when he could have opted for a fresh clemency appeal instead.
WITH the Government now stating there was nothing in the official documents to suggest a detention at home plan, questions are also being asked on why the note to Najib's son confirming the addendum is from the Pahang Palace and not ISTANA NEGARA.READ : Pardons Boany add-on docs in Najib’s file, nor any official order from Palace