Friday 23 August 2024

State of the Nation: Blackswan

FOR months, the Malaysian 0 scene  was filled with the notion that a blackswan event would trigger, a change in Government. 

THAT though, did not take 0 as planned but the term blackwater, seems to have taken a new life this week on Tik Tok.

WHAT is a Black Swan event?
The term  was popularised in two books published in 2001 and 2007 by Nassim Nicholas Taleb, who used it to discuss unexpected events or developments, mainly in the economy and politics , that can cause major damage. 

THE blackswan event anticipated out of fear this week was the Dow Jones would crash, pushing the rest of the world into a global recession .

THAT though, did not take place, instead READ : the USA announced plans to start cutting interest rates.

BASICALLY, what this means for Malaysia is a stronger Ringgit against the US dollar in the weeks ahead as well as more foreign  money coming into our stock market.

IN a nutshell what it means is, Malaysia best be starting to brush up on it's ESG credentials once again.