Sunday 18 August 2024

State of the Nation : PALESTINE

IN  a rare criticism of the Civil service,  Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim claimed  that some of them are too fixated on their mindset in the issue of bringing Palestinian refugees to Malaysia. READ : PM kesal langkah bawa rakyat Palestin cedera ke Malaysia untuk rawatan dikritik.

THE statement coming from the Prine Minister himself, is the clearest indication that support from the Malay community, especially  among the more conservative  section of the community is not universal. 

THOSE  who are not in support of the move,  must be a significant minority, for even the Prime Minister to notice the dissent .

SO  are these  SIGNIFICANT minority pro Israel? Or are they just a group of  Malays who loves Malaysia more and know  the implications of  Malaysia being associated in any way with HAMAS?

MY personal take is this so called  SIGNIFICANT  MINORITY is actually the MAJORITY in Malaysia.

I based this largely on how mainstream Indonesia reacted to a proposal from the speaker of its parliament to the idea of HAMAS opening an office in  Jakarta .READ : Indonesian Council of Ulema, and Muhammadiah, as well the Indonesian Government rejects suggestion to allow Hamas an office in Indonesia.

PERHAPS, Anwar Ibrahim should enlighten Malaysians, why the very pro Palestine, Indonesia wants nothing to do with HAMAS, as well as enlighten us with the experience of Denmark, Lebanon and Jordan with the Palestinians.

IF the Prime Minister wants the full support of Malaysians, he should first be brave enough to explain to us, other aspects of the conflict such as why Iran a major financial backer of HAMAS are not treating the injured victims by the thousands in TEHERAN?