Thursday 15 August 2024

WiseGuy inside The Corporate Mafia ; Revenue Group 2.0.

KNOWN in the market place as Revenue Group, 2.0, Pestech International Bhd, has all eyes on the counter.

SELLERS outpaced buyers in trading of Pestech shares yesterday , to the tune of nearly three sellers for a single buyer .

THE stock slumped 20.9 per cent yesterday,  soon an announcement will be made that Francis Yeoh Sock Ping's Syarikat Pembinaan Yeoh  Tiong Lai (SPYTL) has failed to gain control of  Pestech International Bhd 

PESTECH has been in odds with YTL over the past 36 months, and even took them to an International court this Mah 2024 .

PESTECH is known as Revenue 2 0 because the potential change of ownership came about due to a weak MACC case