Tuesday 15 October 2024

Kredit Komuniti, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

MALAYSIA'S  Kredit Komuniti, under the housing ministry, should be restructured in a way that either keeps public listed companies out of this sector, to ensure no individual is allowed to have control over more than one license.

JUST look at Leong Seng Wui, who holds the executive directorship in Hong Seng Consolidated Bhd and Revenue Group Bhd.

BOTH those companies have license to and are operating very money lending activities, which leads to anti competitive practises.

THE  housing minister ,Nga Kor Ming who happens to be from DAP, should get of his backside and do some serious reading on how banking crisis  tend to explode in our faces.

BURRIED deep in the International  Monetary Funds library, is a paper by Anil Ari and Sophia Chen entitiled ; The Dynamics of Non-Performing Loans during Banking Crises.

IS there a bubble forming ? WELL let's just look at Hong Seng Consolidated where the company had given our RM44.849 million.

NOW VIEW:  the default rate of its bad loans which is RM5.188 million which comes out to about 11.56 per cent.

REGARDLESS if one views the NPLs at Hong Seng as reasonable or not,  one cannot argue against the  poor secured asset qualities taken by Hong Seng for giving out the loans.,

ONLY a madman  or a highly suspicious entity will tell you taking a RM13.874 million security in return for giving out a loan of RM48 million is good BUSINESS.