Monday 21 October 2024

WiseGuy inside The Corporate Mafia : The Boys of Summer in Revenue Group.

REVENUE Group Bhd's company secretary Thien Lee Mee has informed the court READ: that tensions between Eddie Ng Chee Siong and one of the Revenue Brothers had exploded on Jan 4th 2023, after Eddie Ng Chee Siong's private placement plan was opposed. 

NOW, the question here one should be asking oneself is WHY DID Eddie Ng Chee Siong become visibly angry that one of the board members would oppose his plan?

DID Eddie Ng Chee Siong have a personal interest in this transaction,  apart from the "legal three per cent finders fee , he would be able to demand from the bankers".?

BUT why exactly was the Revenue  Brothers suspicious of Eddie Ng Chee Siong's private placement plan? 

WAS it because, via Eddie Ng Chee Siong,  Kenanga Investment Bank had twice come into Revenue Group, and plundered the company using different masked identities? 

THE first, and I shall only elaborate on their first digitally trailed entry into Revenue Group Bhd which was on VIEW : Feb 10 2021, via Citigroup Nominess which took up some 39 million Revenue Group private placement shares on behalf of Kenanga Investors Bhd.

BY February 15 2021, Kenanga would VIEW : would dispose off 38.39 million of those private placement shares.

THAT easy profit, would make Kenanga return for more but during the Covid pandemic,  the Boys of Summer made a CARDINAL be continued