Wednesday 6 September 2023

I said it, Bintai Kinden Bhd Confirms ...

OH, nampaknya budak pandai dari Bintai Kinden, akan senasib dengan budak yang cerdik lagi pandai yang telah selamatkan Temasek dari serangan today.

WHAT i did not mention until now is the guy has done warehousing for the Corporate Mafia, and we have enough Intel,  paper work to pin point the entire supply chain, if there is a need for it.

ANYWAY,  young Azerai , who had attempted to intimidate some really very powerful personalities, by putting out work, if need be, he will be a whisteblower.

OBVIOUSLY, this boys's attempt to be taken seriously has seen the son of the Dr Mahathir hard-core loyalist in defensive mode these days .

THE boy wonder should thank his ferry God mother and the tooth ferry, that none the dark trading tricks were used in Singapore.

IT would have been 20 years in the slammer for sure in Singapore but here in sunny Malaysia, nothing to worry just pay the fine lah.