Thursday 28 September 2023

The Spectre of Syed Mokthar..

DEEP in the heart of Putrajaya, Anwar Ibrahim is caught between a rock and a hard place, as Syed Mokthar comes out and play with guns blazing, to do what the combined forces of PAS and BERSATU failed to do in the ballot box.

TO his credit, the Prime Minister has thus far refused to take the bait despite the taunting getting stronger by the day.

THE same though cannot be said of his ministers, who have on their own accord decided to take on the role of NATIONAL APOLOGIST for Syed Mokthar, the 100 per cent owner of BERNAS,  which in turn is the co owner of Gardenia Malaysia

THE people of Malaysia, regardless of their race, are not stupid, and can see very clearly that the recent price increase of RICE and BREAD by companies directly owned by Syed Mokthar is intended to pile pressure directly on Anwar Ibrahim and move the people into the arms of BERSATU.

YES, the very same BERSATU, whom Syed Mokthar READ : gave RM195 million ringgit without even blinking an eye lid, at the height of the Covid 19 pandemic when Malaysians had to raise white flags on their roof tops because they dis not have enough money to feed themselves.

CONSIDER the following,  and you will understand why have i specifically stated that the  price hikes are actually intended to detach Anwar Ibrahim from the Prime Ministership.

DON'T  be fooled by the ill advised  and wrongful information dished out by NATIONAL APOLOGIST of Syed Mokthar who moonlight as a Federal Minister READ : that the increase in rice price is due to the global supply chain without stating are price hikes justified.

THIS year alone, the price of rice has been increased by a MASSIVE 41 PER CENT and when that did not raise public anger towards Anwar Ibrahim,  Syed Mokthar's Gardenia READ : upped the ante by increasing bread prices drastically across the board

THE Malaysian Market preference is for the Indica type of rice, so let's go check out the Indica's year to date price increase.

DATA obtained by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations shoe that the Indica Rice index stood 110.2 points December 2022.

BY AUGUST 2023 , the index had soared to 151.4,  buy the average trading level from Dec 2022 to August 2023 was 131.4 points.

If we take the August peak of 151.4 as the average, then the index would have gone up by 37.5 per cent, which makes the Bernas price hikes look platable.

NOT everyday is a Sunday,  nor is every month August,  hence from Dec 2022 to the 2023 average index value of 131.4 points,  the index appreciation had only been 19.23 per cent. VIEW : TO VERIFY

OUR imported  rice price have gone up by 41 per cent while Indica Rice index arev up by an average 19.23 per cent, makes  our rice and bread prices  looks  expensive and extensive.

UNLESS of course the bulk of the Bernas so called long term contracts with unreliable partners from the politically unstable Pakistan are baloney and we are being short changed with spot Indica Rice prices.

IF the spot market scenario is the case, then Bernas has obviously failed to fulfill its end of the bargain. 

REAL or IMAGINED, the spectre of the Syed Mokthar  threath has landed at the centre of Putrajaya 

ANWAR Ibrahim  can rely on no one except himself to defend the Prime Ministership .