Is the 2015 hit by Russian Bebe Rexha, from her debut album I don't want to grow up.
It looks like the attitude of I Don't Want To Grow Up is still strong with either Nanyang or Xingquan, following the company's denial of a possible privatisation exercise.
Xingquan', GROW up , PLEASE, as the market is sick and tired of CRYING WOLF, and each time, to their horror of finding the WOLF, exactly where the people said it will be.
Who can forget Xingquan's RM387 million going up in smoke from the dodgy shoe order, or its very amature way of trying to say the right things to the market, like a possible dividend payment .
The privatisation or a sustained dividend policy for China's Xingquan is a myth, but the next time anybody CRY WOLF on Xingquan, expect the WOLF to be THERE.