Saturday, 31 August 2024

THE three Chinese businessmen poised to be Dulu Something, tak lama lagi NOTHING.

VINCENT TAN Chee Yioun had trouble  written on his back , much longer than most people would like to believe  

THE body language between the Anwar Ibrahim and Vincent Tan during the PM's maiden trip was a sight to be hold.

TAN'S Waterloo is on the docks on  two fronts, with the same name ; SPANCO .

TAN  has been trying to wriggle away from his own poison chalis. READ : Vincent Tan seeks to drop judicial review, but Spanco rejects terms.

TAN, I was told couldn't raise RM300 million recently to buyout his namesake Tan from SPANCO.

THE other two who are going down with Tan are Victor Chin Boon Long and Lim Khong Soon.

SHALL discuss about them in detail in the near future.

Friday, 30 August 2024

State of the Nation : Retribution calls on the Boys of Summer and much more...

INDEPENDENCE  day, 31st August... mark the date again, for it shall bear witness, that the fall has begun for  the  people who most know are the DARK bankers of Malaysia's ethnic Chinese only CORPORATE  MAFIA.

I don't wish to,  but I must for the RECORD  states on July 9th 2024, I had specifically  forewarned the Boys of Summet at KENANGA  READthey will be the final piece of the puzzle to seal the doom of the Corporate Mafia.

KENANGA  definitely  has friends in high places but I gather not high enough. KENANGA's goose is cooked. READ  Kenanga IB 2Q net profit down 44% on impairment, shares hit over six-month low

THOSE who look hard enough and close enough, will be able to map out, Ken Trades  links to not only Victor Chin Boon Long, Francis Leong Sen Wui but also to the FUGITIVE  Justine Lim Hwa Tat and KENNETH VUN YUN LIUN. 

KENANGA's  Ong Kai Boon READ who should have been jailed for ten years but was only fined RM400,000 is merely the tip of the incoming ICEBERG.

THE iceberg  could be in the form of fines or even jail term depending how desperate the Boys of Summer, who are tangled up in a toxic Web.

TOXIC as the Web is, life will definitely be bearable if and WHEN  LEONG SENG WUI and EDDIE NG CHEE SIONG are feed to restore order.

Thursday, 29 August 2024

WiseGuy inside The Corporate Mafia : Hamzah Zainuddin

ONE  month before READ : Malaysia International Humanitarian Organisation exposed Mashitah Ibrahim, I had already named her and her husband as persons of interest with regards to Wan Kuok Koi.

WAN Kuok Koi, or Broken Tooth Koi is a crime figure, said to be the ring leader of the ruthless  Macau based 14k traid.

ONE such individual is the former Home Minister  Hamzah Zainuddin. Under Hamzah's reign the Home Minister had appointed a key personality linked directly to Dongmei Investment Group Ltd as special advisor to the Home Ministry. 

MEET Liong Kee Huat, who alongside Bintulu Port shareholder Yong Mun Hong, were named as READ : as a major figure in Dongmei Investment Group Ltd.

WHILE in power, Hamzah had often been spotted attempting to raise funds for Perikatan Nasional with Broken Tooth Koi' fellow board members.

Tuesday, 27 August 2024

WiseGuy inside The Corporate Mafia: Victor Chin Boon Long, Don't Turn Around.

THE shades all around aren't the colors , Victor Chin Boon Long, used to see, as the man perceived by many as the head of Malaysia's Corporate MAFIA, has as at ÿ now been effectively out of touch.

OUT of touch and OUT of TIME. After having  been foiled by YOU KNOW WHO,  by systematically tracking down the secret faces in Green Packet under the executive director ship of Leong Seng Wui.

BASICALLY,  sufficient unmasking of Chee Kok Wing's hidden hand had forced Bank Negara Malaysia, to styme the deal, that would have pocketed some RM13 million in pure profits.

WHY would Chee Kok Wing want control of an offshore bank, is a NO BRAINER, and a  loaded pistol at the face of Victor Chin Boon Long.

WITH the RM13 million long gone, enter the then still MMAG controlled Velocity Capital Bhd, which at that moment in time, had Mrs Chin Boon Long holding a lion share of the company.

OTHER notable  names at Velocity  are Azman Mat Ali, a former top official of Bank Negara, who seemed to be ensync with Murad Abdul Khalid, READ : the deputy governor of Bank Negara Malaysia, who accused Anwar Ibrahim of abuse of power, a narrative cooked up under duress.

AZMAN Mat Ali is DAMAGED goods, while Goh Soo Wee, the Hyundai car salesmen who had one eye on being a Tik Tok influencer, despite most Malaysians viewing him as one of three pointment of Tedy Teow, the founder of MBI – Mobility Beyond Imagination.

TEDY as we know, after a six year legal fight in Thailand, and intense lobby on Thailand's decision makers, backed by his MBI Danok Resorts, got very little support from the Madani Government.  

THE Corporate Mafia, blinded by the RM500 million in Malaysia apart from the 100 odd apartments in Penang by Tedy Teow had been trying in vain to get Tedy Teow back in Malaysia, but as we know now, those attempts were in vain.

A large section of Malaysians view Tedy Teow as a scan king, although in reality, he is a drug baron, focused mainly in Northern Malaysia. READ : Beyond the headlines. Revealed, that Tedy Teow's 2017 detention was for his mainstay activity; THE Northern Narco King.

VICTOR Chin Boon Long, Don't Turn Around as it is no ACCIDENT that the latest extension on Velocity READ ; on the company attempting to buy out Oasis Investment Bank from Green Packet is a dead as at end of August 2024.

SOMETHING strange in the air that points to the absolute dismantle of the Corporate Mafia comes at a time, where the authorities by sitting on their backsides are actually waiting for a shakedown of the Corporate Mafia.

WHEN it rains, it pours as Leong Seng Wui' activities in South Malaysia Industri activities,had been exposed READ : ONE year before he emerged as a force in the company by a KLSE Screener reader

LEONG Seng Wuii is a wounded mongerel, balancing himself with  a mere foot, as traditional backers and bankers KN Kenanga and CIMB gets COLD FEET.

THAT explains the 45 sen privatisation of SMI Bhd which has a NTA of 61 sen, meaning Leong Seng in on the road to failure.

FAILURE at this point is extremely dangerous, especially for a duo , facing the unenviable prospect of being out of touch and out of time. 

CRIME pays both ways. One can get rich, one can also get JAILED. A prospect which Leong Seng Wui and his mentor finds extremely UNCOMFORTABLE. 

Friday, 23 August 2024

State of the Nation: Blackswan

FOR months, the Malaysian 0 scene  was filled with the notion that a blackswan event would trigger, a change in Government. 

THAT though, did not take 0 as planned but the term blackwater, seems to have taken a new life this week on Tik Tok.

WHAT is a Black Swan event?
The term  was popularised in two books published in 2001 and 2007 by Nassim Nicholas Taleb, who used it to discuss unexpected events or developments, mainly in the economy and politics , that can cause major damage. 

THE blackswan event anticipated out of fear this week was the Dow Jones would crash, pushing the rest of the world into a global recession .

THAT though, did not take place, instead READ : the USA announced plans to start cutting interest rates.

BASICALLY, what this means for Malaysia is a stronger Ringgit against the US dollar in the weeks ahead as well as more foreign  money coming into our stock market.

IN a nutshell what it means is, Malaysia best be starting to brush up on it's ESG credentials once again.

Thursday, 22 August 2024

WiseGuy inside The Corporate Mafia ; First Blood

FIRST Blood refers to the shedding of blood, especially in an intense duel between two parties.

THE term in it itself, raises the question if moving forward can the not so shadowy Corporate Mafia survive the pressure that has been heading their way.

THE pressure this time around is not coming from the far more sophisticated group which has clipped the not so shadowy groups wings over the past 12 months.

YES, the Corporate Mafia have reached out to smoke the pipes of peace, but that is a story for another day.

BECAUSE  today, or to be more specific yesterday, FIRST BLOOD was drained out from the Corporate Mafia, by instruments of the Ministry of Finance under Anwar Ibrahim.

AND for the first time in its history,  the Corporate Mafia has been forced to undertake a privatisation exercise.  READ : under pressure Leong Seng Wui forced to make a 45 sen a share privatisation offer for SMI Bhd shares.

AND why is Leong Seng Wui under pressure? Well because it looks increasingly clear he  READ : soon will be forced to reveal how he built up his stake in SMI Bhd in the first place.

MANY moons ago, I had attempted to relay to Victor Chin Boon Long that the weakest link in his armour is Leong Seng Wui.

PERHAPS, when Bursa Malaysia READ : placed a series of unusual caveats to Revenue Group Bhd's private placement exercise, Victor Chin Boon Long did not get the MESSAGE. 

BUT now that message is loud and clear ; Leong Seng Wui is the weakest link.

Tuesday, 20 August 2024

ENCORP Bhd, From Boardroom to Bedroom

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Anwar Ibrahim Secures Major Rice Lifeline For Malaysia.

PRIME Minister Anwar Ibrahim  has managed to secure a major rice lifeline from India, following his four eyed meeting with his Indian counterpart Narendra Modi.

IT is understood  that India has agreed to send an additional two million metric tonne of rice to Malaysia.

THE  Prime Minister's ability to get the additional allocation from India, comes at a time when both the national rice company BERNAS and the agriculture ministry had failed to source from abroad sufficient amount of rice to feed the Nation as well as expand on the rice buffer.

Muhyiddin Yassin, I told you so!!!

A year ago, I had warned Malaysia's self proclaimed Abah of the Nation, that a final solution was being prepared for him.

I had urged the former Prime Minister, to put aside "his short men complex", and come to the realisation that his political foe is not Anwar Ibrahim and has never been Anwar Ibrahim.

I forewarned that the final solution for Muhyiddin Yassin will involve and include his ally of continence, the Islamic party known as PAS.

IN  a move that is bound cause tension between PAS and the Muhyiddin Yassin  faction in Bersatu, PAS speaking for and on behalf of the Pahang Perikatan Nasional alliance READ :said it wants the former Prime Minister to be placed under police investigation on his recent statement that the Prime Ministership was snatched away from him

Artroniq Bhd ; The Eleventh Commandment

TEXAS author C.L Bevill's quote popularly known as the Eleventh Commandment states that it's only a crime if you get caught.

ARTONIQ Bhd which was shocked by allegations five months ago by Suffian Art READ : that Artroniq Bhd had hired an American actor to impersonate a CEO and subsequently raised more than RM36 million.

SUFFIAN  Art's allegations can be VIEW : Viewed here, subsequently the case has been pending a police investigation with not much update given on the status of the investigation.

THIS month though, 50 per cent of Artroniq's board had resigned, seemingly for personal reasons.

SO  how is it, Artroniq  have broken the 11th Commandment? Well the company, apparently had forgotten to remove a face book reel, identifying  Suffian as VIEW : Thomas White, the CEO of Beno Inc

Monday, 19 August 2024

WiseGuy inside The Corporate Mafia ; The Social Pariah

REVENUE  Group Bhd under the Leong Seng Wui, tainted by a series of Police reports against him for alleged Intimidation,  has found itself to be an OUTCAST.

THE loss making entity's most recent VIEW : quarterly results disclosurehas nothing to say about a high profile job linked to KTM Bhd, the national railway company 

AN outcast is basically a social pariah, which people tend not wanting to be associated with in any form or action.

REVENUE Group chairnan  Kamari Zaman Juhari's involvement with Quantum Metal, may have also weighed in on why the Transport Ministry and the Housing Ministry have distanced themselves from the company.

WITH  Revenue Group, completely ignoring any updates on the very high profile job, it is good as stating that the company is no longer in the equation, most likely because the personalities  linked  to Revenue Group are seen as a LIABILITY. 

The Quantum Fraud, Caught With It's Pants Down

LAST week, Quantum Metal led by one of its two founders, Lim Khong Soon  held a press conference to ensure those who invested with the company, that a solution to the non payment woes, would soon be over comes.

I am afraid, the entire exercise was a waste of time, as a shocking admission on the stock exchange of Australia, has broken the camels back.

BANK Negara Malaysia and other enforcement agencies, enough is enough.   It is time to arrest Lim Khong Soon and Revenue Group Bhd Chairman  Kamari Zaman Juhari for their role in this Quantum debacle. 


Sunday, 18 August 2024

State of the Nation : PALESTINE

IN  a rare criticism of the Civil service,  Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim claimed  that some of them are too fixated on their mindset in the issue of bringing Palestinian refugees to Malaysia. READ : PM kesal langkah bawa rakyat Palestin cedera ke Malaysia untuk rawatan dikritik.

THE statement coming from the Prine Minister himself, is the clearest indication that support from the Malay community, especially  among the more conservative  section of the community is not universal. 

THOSE  who are not in support of the move,  must be a significant minority, for even the Prime Minister to notice the dissent .

SO  are these  SIGNIFICANT minority pro Israel? Or are they just a group of  Malays who loves Malaysia more and know  the implications of  Malaysia being associated in any way with HAMAS?

MY personal take is this so called  SIGNIFICANT  MINORITY is actually the MAJORITY in Malaysia.

I based this largely on how mainstream Indonesia reacted to a proposal from the speaker of its parliament to the idea of HAMAS opening an office in  Jakarta .READ : Indonesian Council of Ulema, and Muhammadiah, as well the Indonesian Government rejects suggestion to allow Hamas an office in Indonesia.

PERHAPS, Anwar Ibrahim should enlighten Malaysians, why the very pro Palestine, Indonesia wants nothing to do with HAMAS, as well as enlighten us with the experience of Denmark, Lebanon and Jordan with the Palestinians.

IF the Prime Minister wants the full support of Malaysians, he should first be brave enough to explain to us, other aspects of the conflict such as why Iran a major financial backer of HAMAS are not treating the injured victims by the thousands in TEHERAN?

Thursday, 15 August 2024

WiseGuy inside The Corporate Mafia ; Revenue Group 2.0.

KNOWN in the market place as Revenue Group, 2.0, Pestech International Bhd, has all eyes on the counter.

SELLERS outpaced buyers in trading of Pestech shares yesterday , to the tune of nearly three sellers for a single buyer .

THE stock slumped 20.9 per cent yesterday,  soon an announcement will be made that Francis Yeoh Sock Ping's Syarikat Pembinaan Yeoh  Tiong Lai (SPYTL) has failed to gain control of  Pestech International Bhd 

PESTECH has been in odds with YTL over the past 36 months, and even took them to an International court this Mah 2024 .

PESTECH is known as Revenue 2 0 because the potential change of ownership came about due to a weak MACC case 

Wednesday, 14 August 2024

WiseGuy inside The Corporate Mafia ; Lim Khoon Soon' "Fengtau" move, valued at more than RM100 million.

FENGTAU, the EDM type Chinese music  is often patronised by those using synthetic drugs, which in turn leaves a big question mark on their actions.

LIM Khong Soon,  the businessmen with a huge question mark on his integrity  tied closely to unverifiable claims on Quantum Metal's gold Holdings as we as the company's inability to pat depository even their capital,  has done a deal if say if it was done in. SINGAPORE would have led him right into jail .

QUANTUM Metal  via Lim Khong Soon despite terminating the deal with the Australian public listed company, Besra Gold , also controlled by Lim Khong Soon,  have decided that Besra Gold can keep the RM112 million given by Quantum Metal .

KEEP,  though us hardly in the vocabulary of Besra Gold as they have already spend the bulk of the cash. READ : Deal between Besra Gold and Quantum Metal terminated by Besra Gets to keep and spend QM's money for free

Monday, 12 August 2024

WiseGuy inside The Corporate Mafia ; Buy Muslim First.

MOST Malaysians are familiar with the Buy Muslim First campaign which was launched by READ :  NGO Gerakan Pembela Ummah around 2018.

THE campaign officially came with the noble aim of encouraging Muslims to prioritise Muslim products.

UNOFFICIALLY though, the platform's aim had sinister connotations,  namely to convince salaried  Muslims to part with their money for the benefit of the platform's thinkers, owners and funders.

MEET Fadzil Hashim, the individual behind The Buy Muslim First platform, who had given himself the title COACH.

INTERESTINGLY Fadzil Hashim is also a key men for both Serba Dinamik and Quantum Metal, two entities with too much of a striking similarities;  what they say ( in Quantum Metal's case, it claims to have 31 tonnes of gold) and what the auditors say are like night and day.

FADZIL Hashim, has been one of Quantum Metal's leading agent, is a well known fact, but what is lesser known is the man is also responsible for many Muslims losing money by investing in Serba Dinamik. 

ARE there other strings to link the scam groups together? I am afraid for Fadzil Hashim, there are.

MUCH more shall be revealed latter, but for now what I wish to say is these guys are politically very connected  and they are very organised.

Sunday, 11 August 2024

WiseGuy inside The Corporate Mafia ; What's in a Name?

I believe William Shakespeare, got it right with his What's in a Name description, which defines it's level of importance or more accurately it's lack of importance.

“WHAT'S in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell just as sweet.” William Shakespeare uses this line in his play Romeo and Juliet to convey that the naming of things is irrelevant.

LEONG Seng Wui's emergence in Hong Seng Consolidated Bhd, has been followed by a proposal to READ :change the name of Hong Seng Consolidated to HKL Consolidated Bhd.

IT seems, Hong Seng Consolidated might be following the footsteps of Harvest Court Bhd into delisting in 24 months time.

THE similarities between Harvest Court and Hong Seng are too close for comfort, as well as reminder that the Securities Commission needs an overhaul.

BOTH stocks not only encountered a pump, which was followed by consistent dumping of the shares systematically. 

BY 2023, Anzo shares were worthless and subsequently delisted from the stock exchange. 

HONG Seng Consolidated shares are now already 1 sen.  The other similar between both counters are that the SC never charged anyone for the pump and dump activities that took place on these counters.

Friday, 9 August 2024

WiseGuy inside The Corporate Mafia : The Case Against the Former Owners of Revenue Group Bhd.

TIMING is everything, and for the corporate Mafia, their time is no good, as the case against the former owners of Revenue Group Bhd, has all the hallmarks of an earth shattering expose.

A conspiracy to frame and charge the former owners of Revenue Group Bhd, by the Corporate Mafia and sinister elements of law enforcement.

THE timing sucks for Victor Chin Boon Long and Leong Seng Wui, as senior MACC official Mohamad Zamri Zainul Abidin, role in the agency has been diminished.  READ :Investigations on Mohamad Zamri Zainul Abidin demanding a RM20 million bribe has intensified.

THE said network expands to retired Government officials, as in the  cases involving the Corporate Mafia,  they come from specific entities such as ex PDRM, , ex MACC, ex BNM, ex SC and ex Bursa Malaysia.

ALL those EX are not going to get a free pass,  and if they so require such a pass, it comes with a price ; Francis Leong Seng Wui.

Thursday, 1 August 2024

Bank Negara Malaysia, Depan Ada Laut, Mana mahu lari (Part 2)

IF you recall, on May 7th 2024, I had written a piece questioning the integrity of Bank Negara Malaysia, when it comes to the affairs of its former lead fraud investigator Kamari Zaman Juhari. 

IN the posting, I had questioned among others on why the inflated warrant conversion at Revenue Group Bhd, since Kamari Zaman Juhari became chairman totalling RM62.59 million, which has all the tell tale hallmarks of money laundering, been ignored by the central bank.

I had also questioned, the in action of the central bank in another Kamari Zaman Juhari linked entity, the ponzi powered Quantum Metal.  READ : Bank Negara Malaysia, Depan Ada Laut, Mana mahu lari.

BANK Negara Malaysia' sudden action  against READ : against XFOX, that has resulted in some RM30 million seized, comes at a time when agents seen to be in cahoots with Lim Khong Soon  are claiming upon their accounts being suspended, their digital gold have gone missing.

THANK you very much, Bank Negara Malaysia for suddenly taking action against XFOF, but it's not going to give you a free pass so as not to investigate Kamari Zaman Juhari's role in Revenue Group's warrant conversion and his role in Quantum Metal