Thursday 1 August 2024

Bank Negara Malaysia, Depan Ada Laut, Mana mahu lari (Part 2)

IF you recall, on May 7th 2024, I had written a piece questioning the integrity of Bank Negara Malaysia, when it comes to the affairs of its former lead fraud investigator Kamari Zaman Juhari. 

IN the posting, I had questioned among others on why the inflated warrant conversion at Revenue Group Bhd, since Kamari Zaman Juhari became chairman totalling RM62.59 million, which has all the tell tale hallmarks of money laundering, been ignored by the central bank.

I had also questioned, the in action of the central bank in another Kamari Zaman Juhari linked entity, the ponzi powered Quantum Metal.  READ : Bank Negara Malaysia, Depan Ada Laut, Mana mahu lari.

BANK Negara Malaysia' sudden action  against READ : against XFOX, that has resulted in some RM30 million seized, comes at a time when agents seen to be in cahoots with Lim Khong Soon  are claiming upon their accounts being suspended, their digital gold have gone missing.

THANK you very much, Bank Negara Malaysia for suddenly taking action against XFOF, but it's not going to give you a free pass so as not to investigate Kamari Zaman Juhari's role in Revenue Group's warrant conversion and his role in Quantum Metal