Wednesday, 13 November 2024

Bank Negara Malaysia, what's your story, Morning Glory?

I bet the whole of Malaysia would want to know why is it Bank Negara Malaysia allowed Quantum Metal to send more than RM100 million to Australia, wheh obviously  the company, READ : hasn't been paying its taxes to the Malaysian Government

THE amount would have been much more than RM100 million if the Australian Reserve Bank hadn't stepped in an rejected Quantum Metal Malaysia's transfers to Australia.

I bet if the wider public  knew that nearly RM63 million was syringed into Revenue Group Bhd in a very suspicious manner, and no action was taken by Central Bank they would be disgusted with Bank Negara Malaysia .

THE general public would be screaming scandal that all this only took place  when Kamari Zaman Juhari joined Revenue Group.

 BEFORE Kamari Zaman Juhari joined Revenue Group NOT a single warrant WAS converted at such huge premiums.

WHY is this individual important in this conversation? Well because was a former chairman of Quantum Metal Malaysia and still a director in some of its subsidiaries, as well as a former senior official  in Bank Negara Malaysia

YES  the same Quantum Metal that hasn't repaid for nearly 12 months now the money it took from investors.

WHICH brings us to the question, why hasn't the central bank adhere to it's own VIEW :employee screening guidelines which would automatically disqualify Kamari Zaman Juhari from being the chairman of Revenue Group