THE false pious of Malaysia are at it again, debating till the cows go home, on the need of interfaith guidelines, while at the same time being silent on the need to stand up for the poor and to fight corruption.
POLITICIANS such as Akmal Saleh, the infamous UMNO Youth leader, is a piece of work who thinks fighting for justice for Najib Razak is a higher priority than to fight for the B40 Malays conned by Quantum Metal or even the paddy farmers under the thumb of BERNAS.
BUT I am afraid, the hot head from Perak is only correct to a certain extent as, Malaysians through their actions prove otherwise.
MOHD Na'im Mokhtar, Minister in the Prime Minister's Department (Religious Affairs) has taken the brunt of the criticism, when in fact the blame lays definitely elsewhere.
SINCE we are not privy to notes on the post cabinet meetings, it would be dangerous to assume that the cabinet was aware of the proposal, but convention has it, before anything major is sent to Parliament, there must be concensus among the cabinet.
LET'S just assume this was not the case, but Anwar Ibrahim as the chief executive officer of Malaysia or in layman terms the Prime Minister cannot and should not allow any piece of legislation that is not in line with his vision of Malaysia be brought to Parliament.
IT cannot be every cabinet minister for himself because if that was the case, then it's time for a name change for the UNITY GOVERNMENT.