Thursday, 27 February 2025

WiseGuy inside The Corporate Mafia : Artificial + Intelligence

TODAY,  Revenue Group Bhd, a once very profitable and repespectable company, which has become the butt of jokes among investors on stock market sites, will announce that it's homophoric losses will continue.

REVENUE  Group  loss it's respectability months after Leong Seng Wui and Teh Chee Hoe took control of the company. 

THE joke among forum site contributors is that Teh Chee Hoe and Leong Seng Wui should immediately  change REVENUE 's name to  LOSS.

BOTH these men,  could be described as shaddy and with very questionable ethical integrity..

On̈ Thursday, yet again  there were zero buyers for Revenue shares,while overall volume was weak.

INTELLIGENCE,  suggest Revenue Group is a cornered stock,  because the trade  looks very artifical 

Sunday, 23 February 2025

WiseGuy inside The Corporate Mafia : Corporate Mafia ; CAVEAT EMPTOR

CAVEAT Emptor, the Latin phrase for let the buyer beware, seems nailed to retail and punters mindsight.

STOCKS linked to Victor Chin Boon Long, his sidekick Leong Seng Wui have seen buy trades at under five per cent to zero in counters such as Revenue Group Bhd, SMI Bhd, Green Packet Bhd, Classita Bhd and Velocity Capital Partners Bhd.

THOSE stocks were tracked as at 11 am today.
THE once unstoppable and unbeatable Corporate Mafia, has had its glory days stymed by a juggernaut after another.

THE latest comes at a time Leong Seng Wui is looking either KN Kenanga or Velocity Partners to raise enough cash to expand his stake in Revenue and SMI.

AT the Revenue Group level a renewed scrutiny will be the individuals who take up the rights issue...

Malaysia''s Corporate Mafia, was unstoppable during Ismail Sabri's wonder years.

ISMAIL Sabri's often praised Prime Ministership from August 21 2021 to November 24th 2022, has  now READ :  come under scrutiny following the detention of four of the former Prime Minister's key aide by the MACC.

IRONICALLY this was also the time when Victor Chin Boon Long's empire had  extended to a level that could have turned him into a billionaire and one of the richest man in Malaysia.

HONG Seng Consolidated,  which was trading below 80 sen on August 2021, would surge READ : surge to RM2.09 a share, giving it a market capitalisation in excess of RM5 billion on deals that would never materialise.

ON April, CSH Alliance now known as Velocity Capital Partners inked a major deal with China' BYD to be its partner in Malaysia.

AND also MMAG and Velocity were fine tuning a partnership to set up digital payment system for foreign workers, a cash cow project with no tender.

TO be continued...

Saturday, 22 February 2025

State of the Nation : The false PIOUS of Malaysia.

THE false pious of Malaysia are at it again, debating till the cows go home,  on the need of interfaith guidelines, while at the same time being silent on the need to stand up for the poor and to fight corruption. 

POLITICIANS such as Akmal Saleh, the infamous UMNO Youth leader, is a piece of work who thinks fighting for justice for Najib Razak is a higher priority than to fight for the B40 Malays conned by Quantum Metal or even the paddy farmers under the thumb of BERNAS.

THE former ambassador to the USA Nazri Aziz is correct READ : Malaysians should not be treated as if we need a 24/7 nanny in every aspects of our lives.

BUT  I am afraid,  the hot head from Perak is only correct to a certain extent as, Malaysians through their actions prove otherwise.

MOHD Na'im Mokhtar, Minister in the Prime Minister's Department (Religious Affairs) has taken the brunt of the criticism,  when in fact the blame lays definitely elsewhere.

SINCE we are not privy to notes on the post cabinet meetings, it would be dangerous to assume that the cabinet was aware of the proposal, but convention has it, before anything major is sent to Parliament,  there must be concensus among the cabinet.

LET'S  just assume this was not the case, but Anwar Ibrahim as the chief executive officer of Malaysia or in layman terms the Prime Minister cannot and should not allow any piece of legislation that is not in line with his vision of Malaysia  be brought to Parliament. 

IT cannot be every cabinet minister for himself because if that was the case, then it's time for a name change for the UNITY GOVERNMENT. 

Thursday, 20 February 2025

WiseGuy inside The Corporate Mafia : Another one to bite the dust.

TEH  Chee Hoe, now looks increasingly likely to be the second  top executive inside the Victor Chin Boon Long Group, often referred to by the mass media as the Malaysian Corporate Mafia, that's going to be forced to take a sabbatical leave of absence.

THAT writing seems to be well documented in Revenue Group's statement to the stock exchange.

IN the statement issued by T A Securities on behalf of Revenue which wants to raise more than RM190 million via a rights issues exercise, states  READ : Leong Seng Wui, who owns 5% of Revenue, has given his undertaking to take up his portion of the rights, which will require him to fork out RM9.7 million.

INTERESTINGLY, there is zero mention about the other five per cent shareholder of Revenue Group, Teh Chee Hoe, who also happens to be the executive director of Revenue Group.

RECALL, i have been tying up loose ends over the past three months on why criminal enforcement action MUST be taken against Teh Chee Hoe. READ : Teh Chee Hoe caught with his pants down.

DOES, Revenue Group's not mentioning Teh Chee Hoe, means the Corporate Mafia knows that Teh Chee Hoe has to be taken out of the Corporate game, because  the alternative to that is  a short trip to KAJANG.??

WE shall wait and see. BUT for now one may ask, who was the bigger name taken out of the Corporate game, by you know who. 

MEET KENNY Khow Chuan Wah, a former accountant with PriceWaterhouse , at this point of time was the Finance Director at Greenpacket as well as one of the directors from team Victor Chin Boon Long at Hong Seng Consolidated Bhd.

I suggest, you look up on his immediate resignation in several public listed companies and then have a second READ : On all roads lead to Victor Chin Boon Long.

Sunday, 16 February 2025

WiseGuy inside The Corporate Mafia : MEET the RM30 k a DAY losers, who wants shareholders to give them more than RM190 million.

THE God's aren't crazy, but Bursa Maaysia must be damn stupid  or part of the great gravy train robbers of innocent  minority shareholders. 

I don't know how on earth Revenue Group  Bhd, can  in a straight face say the following, that  READ : they intend to raise more than RM190 million, and entrust Leong Seng Wui and Teh Chee Hoe with the money.

MIGHT as well get either a wolf  to tend a herd of sheep or better still get two of the stupidest people  in Kuala Lumpur to attempt to fly a plane  safely in rough weather. 

CONSIDER the following since Leong Seng Wui and Teh Chee Hoe took over Revenue Group in March 2023, the company has lost RM31,000 a day , everyday.

AND the board of Revenue Group, believes that the RM31,000 a day losers can do better if another  RM190 million in cash is given to these not too dynamite duo.

MIND you, when I say during their entire stay in Revenue, the company has been losing RM31,000 a day...I means they have used up cash..pure cash to the tune of RM31,000  a day, while the losses in terms of profit and loss are much much more.


Friday, 14 February 2025

State of the Nation : Love Don't Live Here Anymore

TO find out on February 14th, that Love live here anymore, is heart wrecking to say the very least.

OF all days,  it had to be Valentine's Day, for us to wake up and learn that two Caucasians men seemingly has more love for Malaysia,  than any one with legal authority  in  Malaysia. 

THE  global shout out on where is Jho Low is being spearheaded by Brazen Project's Bradley Hope and Tom Wright . VIEW : Where is Jho Low.

THE  need for Malaysia to get our hands on Jho Low has increased by multiple  folds, following READ : Trump's Justice Department hitting the brakes on anti-corruption enforcement, plus making it not illegal for US interest to offer bribes abroad.

WE might have to kiss goodbye the not so golden promise by Goldman Sachs to return billion of ill gotten gains from 1MDB.

MALAYSIA, has never forgotten MH370 but why are our politicians so afraid for the truth to come out on what really took place in IMDB .
MERE charging Najib Razak is an utter disgrace because, one man could not pull this off alone.

NAJIB Razak may or may not be the first men shooter in this case , but  the only certainty, ee havrs there are many others still living it up n Malaysia

Thursday, 13 February 2025

WiseGuy inside The Corporate Mafia : SOMEBODY is allowing Revenue Group Bhd to BREAK the LAW.

IF you break the LAW, then the LAW must proceed to break you into smithereens, is the harsh reality of the rule of law.

THAT is actually what takes place in a functioning democratic environment, that goes hard on public servant requlators who allow companies to break the law in return for a handful of cash.

THE guidelines issued by the Ministry says that VIEW : members or board of directors should not be involved in the act of terrorising others.

NOW there is ample literature out there which states that Leong Seng Wui of Revenue Group  and Hong Seng Consolidated Bhd had terrorised others by issuing threats. 

THE Royal Malaysian Police, should either charge several directors of public listed companies who had made reports about Leong Seng Wui causing them to have mental terror for making those reports or charge Leong Seng Wui for those crimes.

AS for Bursa Malaysia and the Securities Commission,  not the institution  but those manning it, stop taking bungs that damage Malaysia's reputation.

REVENUE  group was a respected company world wide and that enhanced Bursa Malaysia's own reputation but after Eddie Ng Chee Siong caused a stir by making a mountain out of a tiny dot, Revenue has lost more than a Billion Ringgit in value, and now a laughing stock. READ : Revenue Group Shares fall steeply to unseen levels.

KEEP taking those bungs and Bursa Malaysia will be filled with only money lending companies.

Wednesday, 12 February 2025

WiseGuy inside The Corporate Mafia : The Empire Stikes Back At Malaysia's Corporate Mafia.

DATASCAN Bhd's fatal attraction  towards Innov8tif Solutions, looks to have opened a fresh canister of vicious worms.

AND there are whistleblowers too,   which have given notice to the policing force, Securities Commission and the stock exchange about events they said has crossed the boundaries of legality.

AS of today, three directors have quit Datasonic in a huff. There more to this...join me at Facebook for details. READ : Pahang royalty quits Datasonic.

Tuesday, 11 February 2025

WiseGuy inside The Corporate Mafia: Innov8tif Solutions, The Devil Is In The Details.

THE devil is in the details is an idiom that means small details can cause big problems if they are ignored. It's a reminder to pay attention to the small things because they can have a significant impact on the outcome of a task or project. 

TAKE for instances  the controversial planned disposal of a 51 per cent stake in Innov8tif Solutions by Revenue Group Bhd to Datasonic Bhd.

MANY had assumed since Revenue Group had bought the stake for RM36 million from Hong Seng Consolidated Bhd and is selling it for RM40 million, Revenue is on song to book a gain of between RM3 million to RM4 million from the sale.

THIS is not however a guaranteed  return,  as documents submitted by Revenue Group Bhd shows the company might end up making a loss instead.

SO basically, Datasonic is valuing Innov8tif Solutions Holdings below the RM36 million Revenue Group had hurriedly paid Hong Seng Consolidated, just  ten days after Hong Seng Consolidated gained control of Innov8tif. 

CONSIDERING Teh Chee Hoe was indebted to Hong Seng Consolidated at that point of time and shareholders were not informed about this matter,  Bursa Malaysia should call in the police.

Saturday, 8 February 2025

State of the Nation : I Guess That's Why They Call It the Blues

AFTER the pride comes the fall, is the mirror staring Malaysia, as we watch Perikatan Nasional, going from strong willed to accepting the facts of life.

I guess that's what they call it the blues, when you  have Perikatan Nasional,  with its backbone, the Islamic party so sure off wiping out Anwar Ibrahim. VIEW : Looking Back at 2022 : PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang Hadi Promises To Disband PAS, if Anwar Ibrahim's Government lives for more than three months.

THAT was then, but today, in the here and now, BERSATU which administratively control Perikatan Nasional, accepting the facts of life, that the Madani Government,  won't fall due to back room deals.

AZMIN Ali, a victim of the people's rage, who fell like Humpty Dumpty in his Gombak safe seat when the results of GE15 was announced, now says READ : Get ready for a block buster GE16 by year end.

DOES the former Menteri Besar of Selangor know something we don't??  The answer is YES.

BUT it's not something  we don't know, but something most of us  have forgotten.

THAT being in approximately  75 days , Muhyiddin Yassin, should be sworn as the 11th Prime Minister  of Malaysia, if only on that faithful day, back in November  2022, if he and Abdul Hadi Awang,  had swallowed their pride  and said YES to the KING.

YES for MALAYSIA, would have seen Muhyiddin Yassin stature soar among Malaysians, befitting his moniker as the self professed ABAH of the Nation.

INSTEAD ,Muhyiddin Yassin and Abdul Hadi Awang allowed pride to take control of their egos.

AZMIN Ali's talk of an early GE 16,  is merely a smokescreen  in anticipation  that as we come closer to the 75 day mark,  the jokes will be  live on  Tik Tok on the two men who staked the hot seat in Putrajaya on a deck of cards.

THEY did it with a poker face, but we're caught on a bluff, when all they had to do was say yes and let father time do the REST.

Tuesday, 4 February 2025

WiseGuy inside The Corporate Mafia: Parachute Shareholders in distress!!

PARACHUTE shareholders of Revenue Group Bhd  are in distress, but these worries  will look like child's play once a probe is done on how they have been financing  purchases in public listed companies.

LEONG Seng Wui and Teh Chee Hoe have only their underwear left following more than a 60 per cent fall in the share price of Revenue Group Bhd, which has been unable to operate with a positive free cash flow.

BASICALLY, Revenue Group Bhd's two twin executive directors , who had a cursed time in Green Packet Bhd, proves that together, then can send yet another public listed company to Timbuktu.

REVENUE Group is poised to announce a horrifying quarterly results on the 27th of this month. Already the company is losing eight per cent for every ringgit put into the business.

JOKES aside, one wonders how are those two especially Teh Chee Hoe servicing the interest on the loans taken from money lenders to buy the stock.

THE poor performance of Revenue Group Bhd shares also raises a poser on how on earth did Leong Seng Wui convince his pally pally money lender friend in Velocity Capital Sdn Bhd to lend him more money to buy stakes in Hong Seng Consolidated and in South Malaysia Industries Bhd?

Monday, 3 February 2025

WiseGuy inside The Corporate Mafia: Datasonic, Green Packet, Innov8tif, Hong Seng Capital, What A Mess!!!

DID the independent director who quit DATASONIC merely quit the board of the company because he couldn't see eye to eye with the other directors, or did he spot something that won't sit well with the companies act and corporate governance? 

WHILE, we may never know the answer to the question, unless the gentleman speaks up to the investment community

 WHAT I can tell you with certainty is that a couple of influential parties have urged Bursa Malaysia to have a close look at the Datasonic and Revenue Group Bhd deal involving Innov8tif Holdings Bhd.

IF the acquisition materialise, Datasonic will be the fifth public-listed company that is involved with Innov8tif in less than five years.

REVENUE Group, led by former Green Packet Bhd executive director Leong Seng Wui, and it's chief technology officer Teh Chee Hoe  rail roaded a deal to but a 51 per cent stake  in Innov8tif from Hong Seng Consolidated Bhd for RM36 million, cash in May 2023.

ALSO do note, back in Jan 20 2023, when Leong Seng Wui was the executive director of Green Packet Bhd, the company sold READ :Xendity Sdn Bhd to Innov8tif Holdings Sdn Bhd for a RM10.8 million discount

 HONG Seng had booked a RM5.15 million new gain, despite disposing of the technology company some ten days after it had gained control of Innov8tif Consortium Sdn Bhd for RM30.9 million.

WHILE many of those urging Bursa Malaysia to have a closer look at the Datasonic and Revenue Bhd deal for Innov8tiv,  READ : which has now been extended for another two months to April 2025.

I am of the opinion that Bursa Malaysia need to call in the Commercial Crime Unit of the Royal Malaysian Police and  the MACC to determine if TEH CHEE HOE is actually an agent for Hong Seng Consolidated Bhd .

BUT I am afraid Teh Chee Hoe's  relationship with Hong Seng Capital leaves a little too much for comfort considering his bizarre pick up of a Green Packet Private Placement for about RM15 million, and then the dumping  of the 200 million Green Packet shares also registered under Hong Seng Capital s name.

HOW  now Bursa Malaysia? When are you going to do your civic duty and the fraud or even an attempt to defraud is a jailable offence due to the criminal nature of the act itself.

Sunday, 2 February 2025

State of the Nation : The Failed Prime Minister of Malaysia.

IF popularity on Internet mediums such as Tik Tok, X and Facebook were to be believed, then Khairy Jamaluddin would still be a member of Parliament, and not an ex politician, who has his expected Prime Minister ship sail into the deep dark unknown.

BY all accounts, if that is the yardstick we are going to use ; on who has  got the biggest voice on the Internet as street credentials, then by all means Anwar Ibrahim is the Failed Prime Minister of Malaysia.

WE didn't see groundswell support on  none of the Internet mediums for the Prime Minister when he decided to relocate some Palestinians to Malaysia.

ON the converse the reporting was on the negative side. READ : Palestinians cause trouble at Wisma Transit Kuala Lumpur.

S0 if indeed Anwar Ibrahim is the failed Prime Minister of Malaysia, losing support from the masses as at a faster speed then light, why is it, we are blank faced when asked about the following?.

FROM August 2023 right up to December 2024, Anwar Ibrahim and his Madani Government's popularity  had risen from as low of 42 per cent to the current 54 per cent.


UNLIKE  the pass three Prime Minister's who started out as Prime Minister on a high note, only to end up on a low note, Anwar Ibrahim had taken  the road least travelled,  befitting his tag as the Johnny Come Lately of Malaysian politics