Sunday, 2 February 2025

State of the Nation : The Failed Prime Minister of Malaysia.

IF popularity on Internet mediums such as Tik Tok, X and Facebook were to be believed, then Khairy Jamaluddin would still be a member of Parliament, and not an ex politician, who has his expected Prime Minister ship sail into the deep dark unknown.

BY all accounts, if that is the yardstick we are going to use ; on who has  got the biggest voice on the Internet as street credentials, then by all means Anwar Ibrahim is the Failed Prime Minister of Malaysia.

WE didn't see groundswell support on  none of the Internet mediums for the Prime Minister when he decided to relocate some Palestinians to Malaysia.

ON the converse the reporting was on the negative side. READ : Palestinians cause trouble at Wisma Transit Kuala Lumpur.

S0 if indeed Anwar Ibrahim is the failed Prime Minister of Malaysia, losing support from the masses as at a faster speed then light, why is it, we are blank faced when asked about the following?.

FROM August 2023 right up to December 2024, Anwar Ibrahim and his Madani Government's popularity  had risen from as low of 42 per cent to the current 54 per cent.


UNLIKE  the pass three Prime Minister's who started out as Prime Minister on a high note, only to end up on a low note, Anwar Ibrahim had taken  the road least travelled,  befitting his tag as the Johnny Come Lately of Malaysian politics