Sunday 14 July 2024

WiseGuy inside The Corporate Mafia : The truth according to Sherlock Holmes.

SHERLOCK Holmes , the fictional character created by the Scottish writer Arthur Conan Doyle had a very odd way to unearth the truth.

"HOW often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?"

FOR months now, I had been pointing out that  the Corporate Mafia,  an organisation associated with Victor Chin Boon Long and his minnion Leong Seng Wui had been financing  Perikatan Nasional especially  PAS. READ : PAS, Hong Seng Consolidated Bhd type deal in Kedah, deserves more scrutiny

A major breakthrough linking money from stock market going either directly to PAS or indirectly via its cronies came through when the Auditor General revealed large sums of money was passed to Widad Group  via HRD Corp , using share warehousing as a front.

WIDAD Group, is widely known in the corporate sector as PAS favourite contractor, hence it will be  a very interesting outcome to find out who were the bankers that had brought the deal, and what were the criteria used by HRDC to evaluate the Widad Group.

WIDAD Group is merely a small piece of a much larger jigsaw that hides a MCA nurtured group  which received projects worth billions in revenue during the Covid era. 

IN return,  this purely ethnic Chinese brotherhood raised close to RM 10 billion  during the Covid era, backed by mainly projects in PAS led Kedah.  

THE fact that the NEGATIVE market sensitive information was only made known to public , after PAS had secured Kedah, should be a good feed for those who love conspiracies. 

THE very close links between PAS and this Chinese group, is however not just confined to the Islamic party.

PENANG DAP,  that started  during Lim Guan Eng's chief ministership era,  also has a relationship with these group.

TO be fair to DAP and PAS their links are not direct to the source, which is understandable as the source  ie the notorious drug baron Ooi Chieng Sim , who has with links to the Central American and South American  drug cartels is in police custody.

THAT being said,  Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim, should seriously consider with merit what his daughter Nurul Izzah had proposed some seven years ago. READ : Nurul Izzah Anwar's 2015 POTA Act

TO be Continued...