Monday, 6 January 2025

WiseGuy inside The Corporate Mafia ; Velocity Capital Partners Bhd ... NOTORIOUS!!!!

2025, here we are with a bang as Malaysia's once untouchable Corporate Mafia, beefs up  its backbone for the coming HURRACANE.

CHECK out VELOCITY Capital Partners Bhd, newest director, VIEW : Fam Chee Way who also happens to now be one the most dominant stakeholders in the company.

VELOCITY which  is actually the registered  shareholder in South Malaysia Industries Bhd, and not Leong Seng Wui, the imposter or usefully idiot in this hostile takeover ,may have outdone itself with the appointment of  FAM CHEE WAY.

AM not going to go into details such as IC number or who is the head of whicb gang, known ad GANG ALIBABA.

BUT if you must know, I shall let Twitter do the talking.

1. TWITTER or X has the full blown lowdown on who heads Gang 265 , with IC numbers in tow.  Click Here For The Details.