YUP, the Anthony Loke of DAP, READ : the one that would take secret train rides, obviously filmed so that the entire nation would know that a Minister is on the prowl.
WHEN the camera lighs were shut, ANTHONY Loke has gone from READ : wanting Malaysia to build its own trains to READ : to paying in excess of RM10 billion to rent train sets from China, all in a single breath .
THE minister blows hot and cold, as his spoken words and his actions are definitely poles apart.
LOOKING back READ : The Day DAP's Mr Brighside Got His Pants pulled down for spewing a perfectly fine narrative, that turned out to be one filled with half truths.
TODAY Inai Kiara is death row ward, thanks to Anthony Loke's second reincarnation as Transport Minister.
AREN'T we supposed to help the good ones, that have strayed...the ones with a decent track record, the one which has the full spectrum expertise of a dredger, that only China has as there is no other like for like replacement in South East Asia.
APPARENTLY, Yes but not so in Anthony Loke's Ministry of Transport.
IN Anthony Loke's Ministry of Transport, it smells like the Nation State's interest must take a back seat to the Minister's pride.
THE media has factually reported a rescue mission in on the way, not for Inai Kiara but instead for Emrail Sdn Bhd. READ : The secret talks with Anthony Loke's Ministry of Transport, has in the offing the return of failed contractor, Emrail with a plush RM3 billion award for a job the company didn't complete in the first place.
SINISTER or a death wish to throw good money for a bad hat, is indeed debatable...but what is not on the table for debate is the FACT, the fish rots from the head onwards!!.