Thursday, 13 March 2025

All the Prime Minister's Men in the line of fire.

ON February 23, this year I had exposed on how Victor Chin Boon Long and his boys such as Leong Seng Wui seems to have been pumped with  steroids during the years, Ismail Sabri's shot stint as Prime Minister.

NOW READ: Thick As A Brick @Blogspot, meticulously  links Ismail Sabri  to some potentially massive  induces missteps regarding Serba Dinamik Bhd.

DOES the Ismail Sabri geedy gravg train stop here on the door steps of Serba Dinamik Bhd 

HELL NO it expands to  even Quantum Metal, as both Quantum Metal and Serba Dinamik have the same Buy Muslim First  pointmen.

MEET Mohd Fadzil Hashim,  who claims he is a coach of  some sort, that won't be able to justify even to his own base on why   BMF  had thrown it's brand influence for the benefit of the neither Malay nor Islam  owned Quantum Metal