Saturday, 1 March 2025

State of the Nation : We can't blame this one on the Donald Trump show.

DONALD Trump  and his deputy JD Vance, regardless of the politics in play, showed the world how bad  people, will treat the weak in their time of need.

THAT being the case, we can't use the fear that  Donald Trump will not only destroy the financial markers but may eventually via his actions push the world to a life changing war to rationalise why Nestlé Malaysia Bhd' profits have been set a back by 15 years.

SURE, we can latch on Johari Ghani's  Free Malaysia Today's  article intended to indirect add pressure on Anwar Ibrahim's  Prime Ministership by NAIVELY  accepting that READ :Nestle's profit plunge reflects Malaysians’ cost-of-living crisis.

OR, we can accept the truth that poking our noses into affairs  of others  is core reason why NESTLE's after tax profits  had fallen to level unseen in 15 years  to VIEW : RM41 million for the year ended Dec 31 2024.

WITHOUT  mentioning  the word boycott, Nestlé Malaysia tells its story in a two letter word;  CONSUMER HESITANCY. 

HESITANT because of the bitter prescription melted of  a foreign led organisation  in Kuala Lumpur known as Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions grouo or better known as BDS Malaysia. 

IF and when the layoffs comes knocking on the front door, now you know who is really to be blamed and shamed