COMMON sense, would dictate that we should then empower the said law to the extent it no longer is seen as being impotent in the eyes of the public.
IN Malaysia, we had seen those desperate enough for money, their own money READ : being dragged to court by the EPF, and then punished by the law.
YET tweaking facts or even giving an imaginary made up story to the Securities Commision to raise money owned by other people, it seems to be A okay in the eyes of the law.
CAN the Securities Commision and Bursa Malaysia enlighten the Malaysian public how many hundreds of millions of RINGGIT has Leong Seng Wui in the drivers seat, raised from the "PUBLIC" via private placement and rights issue over the past 15 years?
AND how many of these companies have remained profitable for two quarters running ?
WHERE does the line stop to sympathise with a man as being unfortunate, having a string of bad luck, or even condemn him as being grossly incompetent, and where does the line start where we start investigating the man for being a FRAUDSTER?
TALKING about investigation, Malaysians should be asking themselves if Nga Kor Ming is morally fit to be our housing minister in charge of approving money lending license.
HOW many police reports, must the Housing Minister see on Leong Seng Wui, before he realises that giving such a license to Revenue Group Bhd, which is controlled by Leong Seng Wui is a step backwards for Anwar Ibrahim's Madani framework.
WE cannot hide from the innocent until proven guilty concept here, considering the numerous reports made by directors of public listed companies against Leong Seng Wui.
TO be fair to Leong Seng Wui and to the Public at large, the ideal outcome would be to either charge in court, the numerous directors who have lodged police reports against Leong Seng Wui for making a false report.
EITHER that or arrest LEONG SENG WUI.