Thursday 27 October 2022

Setelah Ismail Sabri Menulis Surat Kepada Rishi Sunak, Kini Hanya Elwin the Cat Yang Mampu Selamatkan Kita Dari : Larut Tanpa Kepastian

is a song that can only be pulled off by Rara Lida, without getting booed off stage, which goes to show you the vocal range needed to harmonise this tune.

FOR Britain's new Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to understand what Prime Minister Ismail Sabri wrote to him, he will have to rely on a third party. READ :  Ismail Sabri hantar surat bahasa Melayu ucap tahniah kepada Sunak.

RELYING on a third party, especially if we do not know the third party, is not good foreign policy especially since the letter to the British Prime Minister is not open to scrutiny 

Dalam hidupku
Jangan biarkan ku tenggelamMembeku dalam kebimbanganLarut tanpa kepastian

BUT don't worry, Elwin the Cat might save us from further blushes if the seven year old manages to win the Federation International Feline World Show 2022 (FIFe 2022) this Saturday in Mechelen, Belgium. READ : Elwin the Cat , Do it for your country, do it for your people this weekend.