Monday 17 June 2024

Anwar Ibrahim, I told you so, and now Fahmi Fadzil is doing it to you

ON june 1st, I had publicly urged the Prime Minister to put to sleep Fahmi Fadzil's  role as Communication Minister and chief Government spokesman.

MY rationale had nothing to do with MONGRELS,  but  READ : a lot to do with Fahmi Fadzil being the greatest threat to Anwar Ibrahim's Prime Ministership.

HERE is the minister, who made a shocking announcement caught on camera READ : with the owner of Mydin giggling way that the PM was going to make a major announcement that will bring joy to Malaysia.

THIS statement was made on June 15 2024, by the minister,  who had put fear in Malaysians heart with his TAK PASTI JANGAN KONGSI campaign.

LET the record state, June 16, 2024 came and there WAS NO ANNOUNCEMENT from the Prime Minister, turning this thin, soft man called Fahmi Fadzil into the nation's CHIEF DISINFORMATION  OFFICER.

AND when the announcement finally came on the 17th of June, just go to Tik Tok and see how Anwar Ibrahim had been turned into a laughing stock, for being kind hearted enough to maintain an arse clown like Fahmi Fadzil as Communication Minister.