Thursday 7 September 2023

Mat Sabu's 100 Kg A Year Rice Law is FLAWED

THE agriculture Minister's rulling READ : restricting, individuals from buying more than 100kg of rice a year, is understandable under the current circumstances .

THERE is a good use of common sence in setting the pillar higher than READ:the average yearly consumption of 82.3 kg per Malaysian.

THAT being said, the new rulling has a very similar fault line with Anwar Ibrahim's Malaysia Madani concept.

THERE are reasons why,  the Malaysia Madani concept hasn't got the town talking about it, in a similar manner to say the Malaysia Boleh war cry.

WHAT  Malaysia  Madani is missing is the lack of premium allocation for being a  Malaysian, instead every nationality is treated equality.

WE pay our tax, and don't complain because this land is our motherland. That being said, Mat Sabu's statement today on the rice restrictions have Malaysians on par with foreign workers,  even the illegal ones from Bangladesh, Indonesia and so on.

EVERY one can buy 100kg for the same price,  effectively discriminating Malaysians in our homeland, when it is pretty obvious that since rice is controlled commodity,  foreigners have no business in being allowed to buy our rice.

OUR tax money is to subsidise our farmers and not some Rohingya, Bangla and so on.