Monday 15 January 2024

I said it, Daim Zainuddin did It.

THREE days ago, I had written READ : EXPECT many a politician to call in gravely sick in the coming days and weeks.

LET'S have a look on who is on the sick list now?Well its none other than READ :  Daim Zainuddin, who has got himself admitted in a swanky private hospital.

HYPOTHETICALLY, a person fearing arrest, following an interview with the MACC, could have checked into a private hospital for a gala of a time.

BUT what is the message we are feeding our cyber troopers by going missing in action due to a sudden urge to see sleep inside a medical centre.

THE signal is clear;  you are on your own now guys. As for me, I wanna cut a deal ....supposing I give back 25 per cent of what I took to the state ..?